Your Navaid search results are below. The map will show you the locations of navaids that match your search criteria. Click on the map to zoom in. Below the map is a table showing a listing of results by Navaid ID, Name, State, Type, and Latitude/Longitude coordinates. For detailed information just click on any of the names.
878 Navaids Found |
Navaid ID | Name | Type | State | Latitude | Longitude |
Navaid ID | Name | Type | State | Latitude | Longitude |
1F | Manta | NDB | 47.6306 | -65.7447 | |
1U | Masset | NDB | 54.0317 | -132.127 | |
2Q | Mont-Laurier | NDB | 46.6025 | -75.4706 | |
2U | Mackenzie Bc | NDB-DME | 55.3036 | -123.137 | |
3I | Mobil Sierra | NDB | 58.7983 | -121.345 | |
3P | Muddy Lake | NDB | 58.2369 | -132.196 | |
7H | Marystown | NDB | 47.1383 | -55.325 | |
A | Ministro Pistarini | NDB | -34.8416 | -58.5224 | |
AA | Madrid | NDB | 40.4482 | -3.5388 | |
ADK | Mount Moffett | NDB-DME | ALASKA | 51.8719 | -176.676 |
AFM | Manas | TACAN | 43.0622 | 74.4707 | |
AGU | Monteagudo | NDB | -19.8355 | -63.9653 | |
AJA | Mt Macajna | NDB | GUAM | 13.4535 | 144.7369 |
AL | Malolo | NDB | -17.8256 | 177.387 | |
AM | Malacca | NDB | 2.2666 | 102.253 | |
AM | Markovo | NDB | 64.6683 | 170.31 | |
ARE | Monts D Arree | VOR | 48.3326 | -3.6025 | |
AVQ | Marana | NDB | ARIZONA | 32.4118 | -111.2156 |
AZW | Mount Airy | NDB | NORTH CAROLINA | 36.381 | -80.5402 |
BBB | Mumbai | VOR-DME | 19.0854 | 72.8754 | |
BC | Mbanza Congo | NDB | -6.2667 | 14.25 | |
BD | Muara Badak | NDB | -.3061 | 117.416 | |
BDR | Milas Bodrum | NDB | 37.2533 | 27.6692 | |
BDR | Milas Bodrum | VOR-DME | 37.2533 | 27.6692 | |
BE | Mangkajang | NDB | 2.005 | 117.742 | |
BE | Mally | NDB | MICHIGAN | 42.1268 | -86.3133 |
BG | Muraveyka | NDB | 43.8833 | 133.25 | |
BH | Mcden | NDB | ALABAMA | 33.5115 | -86.8456 |
BL | Malabo | NDB | 3.7743 | 8.7257 | |
BM | Magong | NDB | 23.5203 | 119.609 | |
BSA | Montichiari | VOR-DME | 45.438 | 10.316 | |
BZ | Manni | NDB | MONTANA | 45.872 | -111.2856 |
C | Ministro Pistarini | NDB | -34.8171 | -58.5647 | |
CA | Murry | NDB | SOUTH CAROLINA | 33.9672 | -81.2448 |
CE | Maksimkin Yar | NDB | 58.6333 | 86.7333 | |
CF | Makoua | VOR | -.0215 | 15.5792 | |
CMY | Mccoy | NDB | WISCONSIN | 43.9378 | -90.6419 |
CNZ | Marrakech | NDB | 31.6006 | -7.9644 | |
CO | Mogilev | NDB | 53.9267 | 30.145 | |
CP | Magnitogorsk | NDB | 53.44 | 58.78 | |
CW | Mossy | NDB | LOUISIANA | 30.3066 | -93.1962 |
D5 | Melfort | NDB | 52.8714 | -104.806 | |
D5 | Mcarthur River | NDB | 57.7692 | -105.02 | |
DDY | Muddy Mountain | VOR-DME | WYOMING | 43.0909 | -106.277 |
DE | Madds | NDB | MICHIGAN | 42.4948 | -83.0933 |
DEM | Mirny | VOR-DME | 62.54 | 114.02 | |
DF | Mukhrani | NDB | 41.9167 | 44.5656 | |
DMN | Munchen | DME | 48.3669 | 11.794 | |
DMS | Munchen | DME | 48.3407 | 11.7782 | |
DNC | Mostar | NDB | 43.1375 | 17.8474 | |
DOM | Melville Hall | NDB | 15.5509 | -61.2956 | |
DOZ | Mendoza | VOR-DME | -32.8319 | -68.7908 | |
DTE | Mark Anton | NDB | TENNESSEE | 35.4819 | -84.9309 |
DVV | Mile High | VORTAC | COLORADO | 39.8947 | -104.6243 |
DX | Maksim Gorky | NDB | 54.3 | 56.7833 | |
EA | Maggs | NDB | WISCONSIN | 44.9447 | -91.374 |
EB | Matveyevsky | NDB | 54.9333 | 83.0833 | |
ECA | Manteca | VOR-DME | CALIFORNIA | 37.8336 | -121.1714 |
EE | Merle | NDB | IOWA | 41.903 | -93.6589 |
EKR | Meeker | VOR-DME | COLORADO | 40.0674 | -107.9249 |
EN | Menderes | NDB | 38.2667 | 27.1617 | |
ENI | Mendocino | VORTAC | CALIFORNIA | 39.0532 | -123.2743 |
ENO | Mariano Moreno | VOR-DME | -34.5628 | -58.7906 | |
ERH | Malatya | VOR | 38.4633 | 38.1122 | |
EU | Murey | NDB | KENTUCKY | 36.7207 | -88.2899 |
EWR | Maryann | FAN MARKER | NEW JERSEY | 40.7034 | -74.1874 |
F9 | Miramichi | NDB | 47.01 | -65.4675 | |
F9 | Miramichi | DME | 47.0094 | -65.4669 | |
FJR | Mediterranee | VOR-DME | 43.5784 | 3.9747 | |
FK | Magadan | NDB | 59.9133 | 150.615 | |
FMG | Mustang | VORTAC | NEVADA | 39.5313 | -119.6561 |
FOF | Martinique | VOR-DME | 14.5908 | -61.0228 | |
FQ | Montz | NDB | MINNESOTA | 43.5737 | -94.318 |
FR | Monrovia Roberts | NDB | 6.2162 | -10.3833 | |
FT | Mufin | NDB | TEXAS | 32.893 | -97.3734 |
FUN | Madeira | VOR-DME | 32.747 | -16.7057 | |
GA | Mataram | NDB | -8.5635 | 116.099 | |
GA | Muyinga | NDB | -2.844 | 30.3461 | |
GD | Maloye Skuratovo | NDB | 53.5667 | 37.05 | |
GH | Minsk-2 | NDB | 53.8433 | 28.0917 | |
GK | Minsk-1 | NDB | 53.8933 | 27.4733 | |
GM | Malaga | NDB | 36.7265 | -4.5715 | |
GMA | Mahn | NDB | NEW HAMPSHIRE | 44.3623 | -71.6859 |
GMH | Muhlenberg | NDB | KENTUCKY | 37.227 | -87.1592 |
GR | Mutare Grand Reef | NDB | -18.9717 | 32.45 | |
GU | Magdagachi | NDB | 53.47 | 125.812 | |
GXU | Mc Guire | VORTAC | NEW JERSEY | 40.0095 | -74.5965 |
H7 | Manitoulin | NDB | 45.8414 | -81.8528 | |
HC | Makhachkala | NDB | 42.855 | 47.62 | |
HFF | Mackall | NDB | NORTH CAROLINA | 35.0279 | -79.4856 |
HJ | Mamadysh | NDB | 55.7333 | 51.4 | |
HMY | Muldrow | NDB | OKLAHOMA | 35.029 | -97.2305 |
I | Mykolaiv | NDB | 47.0447 | 31.8964 | |
IAB | Mc Connell | TACAN | KANSAS | 37.6219 | -97.2682 |
IC | Mitzic | NDB | .7836 | 11.549 | |
IC | Mocambo | NDB | -19.5598 | -44.0368 | |
ICF | Madison | NDB | TEXAS | 33.9107 | -98.4547 |
IHM | Mansfield | NDB | MASSACHUSETTS | 42.0028 | -71.1971 |
IME | Mount Edgecumbe | NDB | ALASKA | 57.0473 | -135.3658 |
IMP | Marathon | NDB | TEXAS | 30.2641 | -103.2371 |
IMR | Marshfield | NDB | MASSACHUSETTS | 42.098 | -70.6758 |
IOA | Montreal Dorval Intl | DME | 45.4592 | -73.7375 | |
IOB | Mount Sterling | NDB | KENTUCKY | 38.0599 | -83.9816 |
IS | Mada | NDB | -23.5448 | -46.7117 | |
IT | Meriti | NDB | -22.8295 | -43.3623 | |
IUL | Montreal | DME | 45.4642 | -73.7633 | |
IZD | Mizda | NDB | 31.4461 | 12.9736 | |
IZS | Montezuma | NDB | GEORGIA | 32.3672 | -84.0068 |
JEC | Miho | VORTAC | 35.5311 | 133.094 | |
JMR | Mora | NDB | MINNESOTA | 45.8903 | -93.2692 |
JNM | Monroe | NDB | GEORGIA | 33.7376 | -83.7268 |
JZY | Macomb | NDB | ILLINOIS | 40.5181 | -90.5604 |
K | Mykolaiv | NDB | 47.0706 | 31.9417 | |
K5 | Maple Creek | NDB | 49.8969 | -109.484 | |
KK | Menongue | NDB | -14.6667 | 17.7333 | |
KO | Makokou | NDB | .5808 | 12.8896 | |
KU | Makumbi | NDB | -17.5245 | 31.2578 | |
KU | Migalovo | NDB | 56.8367 | 35.8417 | |
KU | Mogocha | NDB | 53.7333 | 119.767 | |
LBA | Macae | NDB | -22.1094 | -39.9164 | |
LCZ | Murcia/San Javier | NDB | 37.6763 | -.9393 | |
LFV | Marconi | VOR-DME | MASSACHUSETTS | 42.0172 | -70.0372 |
LI | Medellin | NDB | 6.2073 | -75.4219 | |
LM | Malta | DME | 35.8371 | 14.5028 | |
LMM | Mochis | VOR-DME | 25.6826 | -109.072 | |
LNA | Manizales | NDB | 5.0553 | -75.5286 | |
LNH | Millen | NDB | GEORGIA | 32.8946 | -81.9669 |
LNT | Milnot | NDB | MAINE | 45.6486 | -68.5503 |
LS | Makhado | NDB | -23.1598 | 29.7253 | |
LS | Mindi | NDB | WISCONSIN | 44.004 | -91.2607 |
LTV | Makhado | VORTAC | -23.1585 | 29.6864 | |
LU | Makhado | NDB | -23.1603 | 29.5958 | |
LUN | Mabor | VOR-DME | 28.5703 | 73.7842 | |
LVG | Mount Livingstone | NDB | -37.1447 | 147.549 | |
LVG | Mount Livingstone | VOR | -37.1411 | 147.552 | |
LW | Malikus Saleh | NDB | 5.2267 | 96.9503 | |
LXY | Mexia | NDB | TEXAS | 31.6396 | -96.5123 |
M | Malargue | NDB | -35.5133 | -69.5583 | |
M5 | Manning | NDB-DME | 56.9486 | -117.628 | |
MA | Maykop | NDB | 44.6183 | 40.1483 | |
MA | Madrid | NDB | 40.4008 | -3.4906 | |
MA | Matam/Ouro Sogui | NDB | 15.5867 | -13.3129 | |
MA | Maiduguri | NDB | 11.8382 | 13.0629 | |
MA | Mansa | NDB | -11.135 | 28.8732 | |
MA | Mandera | NDB | 3.9403 | 41.8642 | |
MA | Masamba | NDB | -2.558 | 120.324 | |
MA | Macenta | NDB | 8.4844 | -9.5368 | |
MA | Mount Isa | VOR-DME | -20.6647 | 139.486 | |
MA | Mount Isa | NDB | -20.6753 | 139.487 | |
MA | Malanje | NDB | -9.55 | 16.3667 | |
MA | Mayo | NDB | 63.6286 | -135.893 | |
MA | Maniitsoq | NDB | 65.4067 | -52.921 | |
MA | Maupiti | NDB | -16.4278 | -152.242 | |
MAC | Macae | VOR-DME | -22.3449 | -41.7689 | |
MAC | Machrihanish | VOR-DME | 55.43 | -5.6503 | |
MAC | Macara | NDB | -4.3783 | -79.9417 | |
MAC | Macae | NDB | -22.3453 | -41.7614 | |
MAD | Madison | VOR-DME | CONNECTICUT | 41.3139 | -72.6922 |
MAD | Madeira | NDB | 32.7481 | -16.7065 | |
MAE | Marte | NDB | -23.5068 | -46.6365 | |
MAF | Midland | VORTAC | TEXAS | 32.0093 | -102.1904 |
MAF | Midland | VOT | TEXAS | 31.941 | -102.2018 |
MAG | Magdeburg | VOR-DME | 51.995 | 11.7943 | |
MAH | Mahshahr | VOR-DME | 30.5563 | 49.1494 | |
MAH | Maisach | VOR-DME | 48.2634 | 11.3119 | |
MAI | Marianna | VORTAC | FLORIDA | 30.7862 | -85.1245 |
MAJ | Majuro | NDB-DME | 7.0653 | 171.2686 | |
MAJ | Majuba | NDB | -27.0598 | 29.7441 | |
MAK | Marsa Alam | VOR-DME | 25.5828 | 34.5656 | |
MAK | Mackel | NDB | 50.9647 | 3.4961 | |
MAK | Marrakech | VOR-DME | 31.6128 | -8.1031 | |
MAL | Malpensa | VOR-DME | 45.6427 | 8.7346 | |
MAL | Malpensa | NDB | 45.5458 | 8.7563 | |
MAL | Malayer | VOR-DME | 34.3419 | 48.752 | |
MAM | Marham | TACAN | 52.6473 | .5533 | |
MAM | Matamoros | VOR-DME | 25.7708 | -97.5239 | |
MAN | Manaus | NDB | -3.0418 | -60.052 | |
MAO | Marion | NDB | SOUTH CAROLINA | 34.1853 | -79.3337 |
MAP | Maples | TACAN | MISSOURI | 37.5908 | -91.7886 |
MAR | Maracaibo | VORTAC | 10.5842 | -71.7129 | |
MAR | Marie | VOR-DME | 60.141 | 19.9144 | |
MAR | Marmorilik | NDB | 71.1281 | -51.2225 | |
MAR | Marlim | NDB | -22.3572 | -40.0906 | |
MAR | Marseille/Provence | NDB | 43.4898 | 5.1372 | |
MAR | Martin | VOR-DME | 37.0553 | -4.9399 | |
MAS | Macas | NDB | -2.3034 | -78.1208 | |
MAS | Maastricht | VOR-DME | 50.9719 | 5.9604 | |
MAT | Matecana | NDB | 4.8004 | -75.7767 | |
MAU | Mene Mauroa | VOR-DME | 10.6909 | -71.0401 | |
MAW | Malden | TACAN | MISSOURI | 36.5551 | -89.9114 |
MAY | Mayfield | VOR-DME | 51.0172 | .1161 | |
MAZ | Mayaguez | NDB | PUERTO RICO | 18.2538 | -67.1525 |
MAZ | Mayaguez | VOR-DME | PUERTO RICO | 18.2565 | -67.151 |
MB | Moorabbin | NDB | -37.9765 | 145.09 | |
MB | Mill Bay | NDB | 48.6717 | -123.535 | |
MB | Marsa Brega | NDB | 30.4183 | 19.5725 | |
MB | Mbeya | NDB | -8.9146 | 33.4582 | |
MBA | Mbandaka | VOR-DME | .0473 | 18.283 | |
MBE | Matsumoto | VOR-DME | 36.156 | 137.92 | |
MBG | Moosburg | VOR-DME | 48.5734 | 12.261 | |
MBI | Marambio | VOR-DME | -64.2347 | -56.62 | |
MBI | Marambio | NDB | -64.2317 | -56.6 | |
MBJ | Montego Bay | NDB | 18.5036 | -77.9184 | |
MBL | Manistee | DME | MICHIGAN | 44.2706 | -86.254 |
MBO | Malabo | VOR-DME | 3.7682 | 8.7203 | |
MBT | Masbate | VOR-DME | 12.3692 | 123.631 | |
MBV | Mecklenburg/Dcmsnd | NDB | VIRGINIA | 36.6924 | -78.0564 |
MBW | Medicine Bow | VOR-DME | WYOMING | 41.8455 | -106.0043 |
MBY | Mbuji Mayi | VOR-DME | -6.1155 | 23.5631 | |
MBY | Moulins/Montbeugny | VOR | 46.5413 | 3.4996 | |
MBY | Modbury (DECOMISSIONED) | NDB | -34.8322 | 138.699 | |
MC | Maroochydore | NDB | -26.5922 | 153.092 | |
MC | Malacca | NDB | 2.2082 | 102.222 | |
MC | Maroochydore | VOR-DME | -26.5978 | 153.09 | |
MC | Mocchau | NDB | 20.8281 | 104.7 | |
MC | Mombasa | NDB | -3.9486 | 39.6422 | |
MC | Montlucon | NDB | 46.3726 | 2.4927 | |
MCB | Mc Comb | VORTAC | MISSISSIPPI | 31.3045 | -90.2582 |
MCC | Mc Clellan | VOR-DME | CALIFORNIA | 38.6674 | -121.4042 |
MCF | Macdill | TACAN | FLORIDA | 27.8612 | -82.5135 |
MCG | Mc Grath | VORTAC | ALASKA | 62.951 | -155.6114 |
MCH | Mechria | NDB | 33.5494 | -.2193 | |
MCH | Manchester | NDB | 53.3533 | -2.273 | |
MCK | Mc Cook | FAN MARKER | NEBRASKA | 40.18 | -100.5448 |
MCK | Mc Cook | VOR-DME | NEBRASKA | 40.2038 | -100.5942 |
MCL | Mariscal Estigarribia | NDB | -22.0425 | -60.6169 | |
MCL | Montes Claros | NDB | -16.7035 | -43.8192 | |
MCM | Macon | DME | MISSOURI | 39.654 | -92.4821 |
MCN | Macon | DME | GEORGIA | 32.6912 | -83.6472 |
MCO | Maceio | NDB | -9.5117 | -35.8045 | |
MCO | Mallacoota | VOR-DME | -37.5962 | 149.718 | |
MCO | Mallacoota | NDB | -37.5966 | 149.729 | |
MCP | Macapa | VOR-DME | .0522 | -51.073 | |
MCP | Macapa | NDB | .0465 | -51.0688 | |
MCR | Manicore | NDB | -5.8072 | -61.282 | |
MCS | Monte Caseros | VOR-DME | -30.2667 | -57.6383 | |
MCT | Mactan | VOR-DME | 10.3136 | 123.988 | |
MCT | Mactan | NDB | 10.3092 | 123.984 | |
MCT | Manchester | VOR-DME | 53.3569 | -2.2622 | |
MCU | Macau | VOR-DME | 22.1356 | 113.598 | |
MCW | Mason City | VOR-DME | IOWA | 43.0948 | -93.3299 |
MD | Minami Daito | NDB | 25.8406 | 131.246 | |
MD | Madurai | NDB | 9.8422 | 78.0996 | |
MD | Manado | NDB | 1.4808 | 124.839 | |
MD | Mondulkiri | NDB | 12.465 | 107.193 | |
MD | Madang | VOR-DME | -5.2116 | 145.777 | |
MD | Madang | NDB | -5.2129 | 145.784 | |
MD | Mineralnyye Vody | NDB | 44.2583 | 43.0083 | |
MD | Magenta | NDB | -22.478 | 166.467 | |
MDE | Minami Daito | VOR-DME | 25.8545 | 131.264 | |
MDE | Madeira | NDB | OHIO | 39.2227 | -84.3554 |
MDF | Mooreland | NDB | OKLAHOMA | 36.4864 | -99.1929 |
MDF | Milldorf | VOR-DME | 48.2347 | 12.3374 | |
MDG | Mudgee | NDB | -32.5654 | 149.616 | |
MDG | Mudgee | VOR | -32.5609 | 149.594 | |
MDI | Marudi | NDB | 4.1775 | 114.305 | |
MDI | Madurai | VOR-DME | 9.8311 | 78.089 | |
MDM | Mont De Marsan | TACAN | 43.9099 | -.5044 | |
MDN | Medan | VOR-DME | 3.5045 | 98.6077 | |
MDO | Middleton Island | VOR-DME | ALASKA | 59.4218 | -146.35 |
MDP | Mar Del Plata | NDB | -37.9394 | -57.5756 | |
MDP | Mar Del Plata | VOR-DME | -37.9297 | -57.5764 | |
MDS | Mingaladon | NDB | 16.8746 | 96.1098 | |
MDY | Midway | NDB | MIDWAY ISLANDS | 28.2041 | -177.3792 |
MDY | Mandalay | VOR-DME | 21.9343 | 96.1298 | |
MDZ | Medford | NDB | WISCONSIN | 45.1054 | -90.3087 |
ME | Matane | NDB | 48.8333 | -67.5494 | |
ME | Menderes | NDB | 38.2 | 27.18 | |
ME | Myeik | NDB | 12.45 | 98.623 | |
ME | Menongue | NDB | -14.6333 | 17.6833 | |
ME | Maxtn | NDB | NORTH CAROLINA | 34.7332 | -79.4437 |
ME | Mangole | NDB | -1.7819 | 125.482 | |
MED | Medouneu | NDB | 1.0003 | 10.749 | |
MEF | Medford | NDB | OREGON | 42.3916 | -122.8788 |
MEG | Mengen | NDB | 48.0544 | 9.3675 | |
MEI | Meridian | VORTAC | MISSISSIPPI | 32.3784 | -88.8043 |
MEK | Meekatharra | NDB | -26.6156 | 118.54 | |
MEK | Meekatharra | VOR-DME | -26.6069 | 118.533 | |
MEL | Melilla | VOR-DME | 35.2804 | -2.9582 | |
MEL | Metlika | NDB | 45.6546 | 15.3182 | |
MEM | Memphis | VORTAC | TENNESSEE | 35.0151 | -89.9832 |
MEM | Memphis Metropolitn | VOT | TENNESSEE | 35.0499 | -89.9814 |
MEN | Mende | VOR-DME | 44.6083 | 3.1624 | |
MEN | Menderes | VOR-DME | 38.2961 | 27.1592 | |
MEN | Menderes | TACAN | 38.2983 | 27.1581 | |
MER | Mercaderes | VOR-DME | 1.7883 | -77.1508 | |
MER | Merimbula | NDB-DME | -36.9143 | 149.899 | |
MES | Mesta | VOR-DME | 38.2517 | 25.9056 | |
MES | Mesnali | VOR-DME | 61.0998 | 10.6428 | |
MET | Metz | TACAN | 49.0669 | 6.1294 | |
MEX | Mexico | VOR-DME | 19.4393 | -99.0668 | |
MEY | Mapleton | NDB | IOWA | 42.1805 | -95.7947 |
MEZ | Mezze | NDB | 33.4833 | 36.2333 | |
MF | Mafia | NDB | -7.902 | 39.6675 | |
MF | Muzaffarabad | NDB | 34.3422 | 73.5067 | |
MF | Mamfe | VOR | 5.7057 | 9.304 | |
MF | Manns | NDB | OHIO | 40.7663 | -82.4452 |
MF | Missi | NDB | TEXAS | 26.2538 | -98.3105 |
MF | Mamfe | NDB | 5.7072 | 9.3004 | |
MF | Mfuwe | NDB | -13.2704 | 31.915 | |
MFD | Mansfield | VORTAC | OHIO | 40.8686 | -82.591 |
MFD | Mansfield | NDB | -37.0472 | 146.14 | |
MFE | Mc Allen | VOR-DME | TEXAS | 26.1739 | -98.2408 |
MFI | Marshfield | NDB | WISCONSIN | 44.6411 | -90.1892 |
MFR | Medford | VOT | OREGON | 42.3585 | -122.8664 |
MG | Melangguane | NDB | 4.0066 | 126.677 | |
MG | Marra | NDB | ALABAMA | 32.3116 | -86.5106 |
MG | Mongu | NDB | -15.218 | 23.1498 | |
MG | Marie Galante | NDB | 15.8698 | -61.2709 | |
MG | Mandalgobi | NDB | 45.7438 | 106.266 | |
MG | Magenta | NDB | -22.2699 | 166.473 | |
MGA | Managua | VOR-DME | 12.1397 | -86.1742 | |
MGA | Malaga | VOR-DME | 36.8143 | -4.3695 | |
MGA | Magala | VOR-DME | 26.2889 | 47.2069 | |
MGB | Monchengladbach | NDB | 51.2273 | 6.5054 | |
MGD | Magdalena | NDB | -13.2621 | -64.075 | |
MGD | Magdeburg | DME | 52.0771 | 11.6309 | |
MGD | Maningrida | NDB | -12.0628 | 134.232 | |
MGM | Montgomery | VORTAC | ALABAMA | 32.2223 | -86.3197 |
MGN | Magangue | VOR-DME | 9.2874 | -74.8472 | |
MGR | Moultrie | DME | GEORGIA | 31.0823 | -83.8042 |
MGR | Megri | NDB | 38.9389 | 46.3472 | |
MGR | Magnitogorsk | VOR-DME | 53.4033 | 58.7567 | |
MGR | Megara | NDB | 37.9823 | 23.3573 | |
MGV | Mcgovern | NDB | 44.8534 | 18.7505 | |
MGW | Morgantown | VOR-DME | WEST VIRGINIA | 39.5567 | -79.8604 |
MH | Manihiki | NDB | -10.3797 | -161.003 | |
MH | Mount Hagen | NDB-DME | -5.8379 | 144.309 | |
MH | Mae Hong Son | NDB | 19.2988 | 97.9752 | |
MH | Mafikeng | NDB | -25.7414 | 25.575 | |
MH | Meulaboh | NDB | 4.0463 | 96.2504 | |
MH | Mikhaylovsky | NDB | 51.85 | 79.7 | |
MH | Mehamn | NDB | 70.0344 | 27.8298 | |
MH | Manihi | NDB | -14.4328 | -146.062 | |
MH | Mikhaylovsk | NDB | 56.45 | 59.1333 | |
MHD | Monchengladbach | DME | 51.2349 | 6.492 | |
MHE | Mitchell | VOR-DME | SOUTH DAKOTA | 43.777 | -98.0376 |
MHI | Masalembo | NDB | -5.5814 | 114.434 | |
MHK | Manhattan | VOR-DME | KANSAS | 39.1454 | -96.6687 |
MHL | Machala | NDB | -3.2686 | -79.9639 | |
MHM | Minchumina | NDB | ALASKA | 63.8839 | -152.3162 |
MHN | Menorca | VOR-DME | 39.8635 | 4.2172 | |
MHS | Mae Hong Son | VOR-DME | 19.3196 | 97.9121 | |
MHT | Manchester | VOR-DME | NEW HAMPSHIRE | 42.8685 | -71.3695 |
MHU | Mcarthur River Mine | NDB | -16.4461 | 136.078 | |
MHV | Machala | VOR-DME | -3.295 | -79.9442 | |
MHV | Monchengladbach | VOR | 51.2373 | 6.4902 | |
MHZ | Magnolia | VORTAC | MISSISSIPPI | 32.4341 | -90.0998 |
MI | Maribor | NDB | 46.4628 | 15.7031 | |
MI | Mikhaylovka | NDB | 55.0667 | 57.0667 | |
MI | Mianwali | NDB | 32.5663 | 71.5662 | |
MI | Mosgiel | NDB | -45.8714 | 170.32 | |
MI | Mali | NDB | -8.136 | 124.592 | |
MI | Momi | NDB | -17.9 | 177.326 | |
MIA | Mandalay | NDB | 21.6893 | 95.9831 | |
MIA | Mildura | NDB | -34.2478 | 142.074 | |
MIA | Manila | VOR-DME | 14.508 | 121.022 | |
MIA | Mandalay | VOR-DME | 21.7109 | 95.9747 | |
MIA | Mildura | VOR-DME | -34.2267 | 142.086 | |
MIA | Miami Intl | VOT | FLORIDA | 25.7947 | -80.2789 |
MIA | Melilla | NDB | 35.3078 | -2.9555 | |
MIC | Michaelsdorf | VOR | 54.3055 | 11.0052 | |
MID | Midhurst | VOR-DME | 51.0539 | -.625 | |
MID | Merida | VOR-DME | 20.938 | -89.6562 | |
MIE | Muncie | VOR-DME | INDIANA | 40.2373 | -85.394 |
MIG | Millington | NDB | TENNESSEE | 35.2805 | -89.933 |
MIJ | Michael | TACAN | UTAH | 40.1917 | -112.9223 |
MIK | Mikra | TACAN | 40.4581 | 22.9917 | |
MIL | Milos | VOR-DME | 36.7475 | 24.5194 | |
MIN | Minneriya | NDB | 8.0503 | 80.9853 | |
MIO | Montijo | NDB | 38.7097 | -9.0432 | |
MIP | Milton | VORTAC | PENNSYLVANIA | 41.0234 | -76.6653 |
MIQ | Maiquetia | VOR-DME | 10.6095 | -66.9897 | |
MIQ | Maiquetia | NDB | 10.6109 | -66.9843 | |
MIQ | Mike | NDB | 48.5702 | 11.5975 | |
MIS | Misima | NDB | -10.6882 | 152.835 | |
MIS | Misawa | VORTAC | 40.7038 | 141.381 | |
MIS | Masjed Soleiman | NDB | 31.9294 | 49.3272 | |
MIS | Misurata | VOR-DME | 32.3167 | 15.0667 | |
MIT | Mishima | TACAN | 34.7717 | 131.138 | |
MIU | Maiduguri | VOR-DME | 11.8882 | 13.1167 | |
MJ | Marseille/Provence | NDB | 43.4392 | 5.2175 | |
MJ | Mananjary | NDB | -21.2012 | 48.3665 | |
MJ | Moenjodaro | NDB | 27.331 | 68.141 | |
MJE | Miyakejima | VOR-DME | 34.119 | 139.498 | |
MJL | Mejillones | NDB | -23.1092 | -70.4431 | |
MJM | Manjimup | NDB | -34.2581 | 116.121 | |
MJZ | Marcos Juarez | VOR | -32.6878 | -62.1608 | |
MK | Makurdi | NDB | 7.7171 | 8.5993 | |
MK | Malka | NDB | 53.3167 | 157.533 | |
MK | Makemo | NDB | -16.5903 | -143.651 | |
MK | Mekele | NDB | 13.4751 | 39.5217 | |
MK | Makabana | NDB | -3.469 | 12.6328 | |
MK | Myitkyina | NDB | 25.3874 | 97.3562 | |
MK | Mackay | NDB | -21.1622 | 149.186 | |
MK | Mackay | VOR-DME | -21.1728 | 149.187 | |
MK | Matak | NDB | 3.35 | 106.258 | |
MKA | Myitkyina West | NDB | 25.3507 | 97.2795 | |
MKA | Mikra | TACAN | 40.5175 | 22.9767 | |
MKB | Minangkabau | VOR-DME | -.787 | 100.278 | |
MKE | Milwaukee | VOT | WISCONSIN | 42.948 | -87.8965 |
MKE | Merauke | VOR-DME | -8.5226 | 140.417 | |
MKE | Mukawa | VOR-DME | 42.555 | 141.956 | |
MKG | Muskegon | TACAN | MICHIGAN | 43.1693 | -86.0394 |
MKG | Magong | TACAN | 23.5617 | 119.628 | |
MKG | Magong | VOR-DME | 23.5954 | 119.637 | |
MKK | Molokai | VORTAC | HAWAII | 21.1381 | -157.1674 |
MKL | Mersy | NDB | TENNESSEE | 35.5157 | -88.957 |
MKL | Mc Kellar | VOR-DME | TENNESSEE | 35.6036 | -88.9104 |
MKN | Mikonos | VOR-DME | 37.4403 | 25.3445 | |
MKO | Mikonos | NDB | 37.4369 | 25.3464 | |
MKP | Mokpo | VOR-DME | 34.7598 | 126.379 | |
MKP | Mc Keesport | NDB | PENNSYLVANIA | 40.3553 | -79.781 |
MKR | Mikra | VOR-DME | 40.5187 | 22.9698 | |
MKR | Milk River | NDB | MONTANA | 48.2079 | -106.6262 |
MKS | Meknes | VOR | 33.8781 | -5.5153 | |
MKT | Mankato | VOR-DME | MINNESOTA | 44.2199 | -93.9124 |
MKT | Meiktila | NDB | 20.9343 | 95.9131 | |
MKV | Marksville | NDB | LOUISIANA | 31.0946 | -92.0727 |
ML | Mangalore | NDB | 12.9632 | 74.8919 | |
ML | Minami Torishima | NDB | 24.2908 | 153.983 | |
ML | Malindi | NDB | -3.2311 | 40.1 | |
ML | Male | NDB | 4.1905 | 73.5311 | |
ML | Malang | NDB | -7.934 | 112.712 | |
ML | Mouilla | NDB | -1.7813 | 11.0457 | |
ML | Marseille/Provence | DME | 43.4443 | 5.2022 | |
ML | Melbourne | VOR-DME | -37.66 | 144.842 | |
MLA | Maella | VOR-DME | 41.1296 | .1652 | |
MLB | Melbourne | VOR-DME | FLORIDA | 28.1053 | -80.6353 |
MLB | Montelibano | NDB | 8.0122 | -75.3978 | |
MLC | Mc Alester | TACAN | OKLAHOMA | 34.8494 | -95.7823 |
MLD | Malindi | VOR-DME | -3.2335 | 40.1026 | |
MLD | Malad City | VOR-DME | IDAHO | 42.1999 | -112.4512 |
MLD | Mildenhall | TACAN | 52.3633 | .4883 | |
MLE | Millard | NDB | NEBRASKA | 41.1949 | -96.114 |
MLE | Male | VOR-DME | 4.1934 | 73.5307 | |
MLF | Milford | VORTAC | UTAH | 38.3604 | -113.0132 |
MLG | Malaga | VOR-DME | 36.6787 | -4.5067 | |
MLG | Malargue | VOR-DME | -35.4861 | -69.5786 | |
MLK | Malta | NDB | MONTANA | 48.3688 | -107.9173 |
MLK | Malakal | VOR-DME | 9.5632 | 31.6532 | |
MLL | Melilla | DME | 35.3074 | -2.9554 | |
MLM | Morelia | VOR-DME | 19.8438 | -101.037 | |
MLN | Melun | VOR-DME | 48.4558 | 2.8133 | |
MLN | Mitilini | VOR-DME | 39.0574 | 26.6005 | |
MLO | Melo | VOR | -32.3424 | -54.222 | |
MLO | Milos | NDB | 36.6983 | 24.4728 | |
MLP | Mullan Pass | VOR-DME | IDAHO | 47.4569 | -115.646 |
MLR | Millersburg/Dcmsnd | NDB | OHIO | 40.5417 | -81.8726 |
MLS | Milos | TACAN | 36.7058 | 24.53 | |
MLS | Miles City | VOR-DME | MONTANA | 46.3822 | -105.9535 |
MLT | Millinocket | VOR-DME | MAINE | 45.5867 | -68.5155 |
MLT | Minami Torishima | TACAN | 24.2953 | 153.984 | |
MLT | Malta | NDB | 35.8155 | 14.5291 | |
MLU | Monroe | VORTAC | LOUISIANA | 32.5169 | -92.036 |
MLX | Morlaix | NDB | 48.6467 | -3.7627 | |
MLY | Maleny | VOR | -26.7447 | 152.761 | |
MLY | Manley | VOR-DME | 17.9302 | -76.7776 | |
MLZ | Merluza | NDB | -25.2668 | -45.2527 | |
MM | Montceau-Les-Mines | NDB | 46.6014 | 4.3314 | |
MM | Mawlamyine | NDB | 16.4414 | 97.658 | |
MMB | Mitbee | VORTAC | OKLAHOMA | 36.3437 | -99.8801 |
MMD | Montmedy | VOR | 49.3913 | 5.1244 | |
MMI | Mc Minn County | NDB | TENNESSEE | 35.3946 | -84.5616 |
MMJ | Montour | DME | PENNSYLVANIA | 40.488 | -80.1938 |
MML | Marshall | VOR-DME | MINNESOTA | 44.4484 | -95.8248 |
MML | Mangalore | VOR-DME | 12.9613 | 74.9216 | |
MMM | Mormon Mesa | VORTAC | NEVADA | 36.7693 | -114.2775 |
MMT | Mc Entire | VORTAC | SOUTH CAROLINA | 33.9241 | -80.8023 |
MMV | Mafikeng | VOR-DME | -25.8259 | 25.5351 | |
MMY | Many | NDB | LOUISIANA | 31.5713 | -93.5416 |
MMY | Maromamy | NDB | -18.8059 | 49.0318 | |
MN | Muna | NDB | -4.7653 | 122.563 | |
MN | Manychsky | NDB | 47.05 | 40.3667 | |
MN | Man | NDB | 7.2668 | -7.5831 | |
MN | Mendeleyevo | NDB | 58.1667 | 54.9783 | |
MN | Menorca | NDB | 39.8365 | 4.2133 | |
MN | Mbuji Mayi | NDB | -6.1055 | 23.5648 | |
MN | Moundou | NDB | 8.6178 | 16.0725 | |
MN | Maun | NDB | -19.9783 | 23.4291 | |
MNA | Minna | VOR-DME | 9.6432 | 6.4497 | |
MNC | Mason County | NDB | WASHINGTON | 47.2481 | -123.0864 |
MND | Mannheim | DME | 49.4706 | 8.516 | |
MNE | Mount Keith | NDB | -27.2869 | 120.549 | |
MNE | Munchen | NDB | 48.3554 | 11.676 | |
MNF | Mountain View | NDB | MISSOURI | 36.9942 | -91.7112 |
MNF | Moron | NDB | 37.2946 | -5.5621 | |
MNG | Mangalore | NDB | -36.8972 | 145.181 | |
MNG | Mangalore | VOR | -36.8861 | 145.194 | |
MNI | Merzifon | TACAN | 40.8356 | 35.5397 | |
MNI | Manning | NDB | SOUTH CAROLINA | 33.5879 | -80.2061 |
MNL | Mineral Creek | NDB | ALASKA | 61.1242 | -146.3522 |
MNM | Menominee | DME | MICHIGAN | 45.1802 | -87.6472 |
MNO | Mellon Ranch | NDB | TEXAS | 28.28 | -97.2058 |
MNO | Manado | VOR-DME | 1.5552 | 124.928 | |
MNR | Monor | VOR-DME | 47.3347 | 19.4055 | |
MNR | Monor | NDB | 47.3378 | 19.3998 | |
MNS | Manaus | VOR-DME | -3.04 | -60.0548 | |
MNS | Minsk-2 | VOR-DME | 53.885 | 28.0217 | |
MNT | Manantali | NDB | 13.2507 | -10.5171 | |
MNV | Manta | VOR-DME | -.9347 | -80.6619 | |
MNV | Maun | VOR-DME | -19.9904 | 23.3888 | |
MNV | Madisonville | NDB | TENNESSEE | 35.545 | -84.383 |
MNW | Munchen | NDB | 48.3743 | 11.9141 | |
MO | Mopti/Ambodedjo | NDB | 14.511 | -4.0879 | |
MO | Mohyliv Podilskyi | NDB | 48.4447 | 27.8366 | |
MO | Melo | NDB | -32.3401 | -54.2239 | |
MO | Manapouri | NDB-DME | -45.4969 | 167.718 | |
MO | Monrovia Roberts | NDB | 6.2429 | -10.3533 | |
MO | Moorea | NDB | -17.4783 | -149.774 | |
MO | Mombasa | NDB | -4.033 | 39.6152 | |
MO | Moosonee | NDB | 51.2823 | -80.6279 | |
MO | Muko Muko | NDB | -2.5502 | 101.102 | |
MOD | Modesto | VOR-DME | CALIFORNIA | 37.6274 | -120.9579 |
MOD | Munster | DME | 52.138 | 7.6872 | |
MOE | Momote | NDB-DME | -2.0614 | 147.426 | |
MOF | Maumere | VOR-DME | -8.6457 | 122.242 | |
MOG | Mount Magnet | NDB | -28.0642 | 117.844 | |
MOG | Montague | NDB | CALIFORNIA | 41.7273 | -122.4817 |
MOI | Morichal | NDB | 8.8214 | -63.092 | |
MOJ | Mojkovac | NDB | 42.9446 | 19.5755 | |
MOJ | Montijo | TACAN | 38.7088 | -9.0332 | |
MOL | Montebello | VOR-DME | VIRGINIA | 37.9005 | -79.1069 |
MON | Monticello | DME | ARKANSAS | 33.562 | -91.7154 |
MON | Monastir | VOR-DME | 35.7549 | 10.7481 | |
MOP | Mount Pleasant | VOR-DME | MICHIGAN | 43.6228 | -84.7373 |
MOQ | Mc Intosh | NDB | GEORGIA | 31.8312 | -81.5102 |
MOR | Moree | NDB | -29.4973 | 149.852 | |
MOR | Moro | NDB-DME | -6.3629 | 143.254 | |
MOS | Mosjoen | TACAN | 65.8777 | 13.3085 | |
MOS | Moses Point | VOR-DME | ALASKA | 64.6965 | -162.0713 |
MOS | Mostaganem | NDB | 35.9092 | .1372 | |
MOS | Mostaganem | VOR-DME | 35.8986 | .1364 | |
MOT | Minot | VOR-DME | NORTH DAKOTA | 48.2603 | -101.2871 |
MOT | Montana | VOR-DME | 46.3134 | 7.5033 | |
MOU | Moulins | VOR-DME | 46.7068 | 3.6317 | |
MOU | Moulins | NDB | 46.7059 | 3.6309 | |
MOV | Mombasa | VOR-DME | -3.9485 | 39.6427 | |
MOV | Monclova | VOR-DME | 26.9555 | -101.471 | |
MOX | Morris | VOR-DME | MINNESOTA | 45.5654 | -95.9693 |
MOZ | Moz | NDB | -1.7503 | -52.2338 | |
MP | Malampaya (Shell Oil Platform) | NDB | 11.8615 | 119.314 | |
MP | Mary | NDB | 37.5717 | 61.8997 | |
MP | Mariepskop | NDB | -24.5414 | 30.8694 | |
MP | Mokpo | NDB | 34.7576 | 126.382 | |
MP | Mount Pleasant | NDB | -51.8242 | -58.4713 | |
MP | Maripasoula | NDB | 3.6572 | -54.036 | |
MPA | Minnipa | NDB | -32.8433 | 135.148 | |
MPA | Meridian | NDB | IDAHO | 43.6034 | -116.5391 |
MPE | Matsuyama | VOR-DME | 33.813 | 132.718 | |
MPJ | Morrilton | NDB | ARKANSAS | 35.1187 | -92.9252 |
MPR | Mc Pherson | NDB | KANSAS | 38.3485 | -97.6873 |
MPV | Montpelier | VOR-DME | VERMONT | 44.0855 | -72.4494 |
MPZ | Mount Pleasant | NDB | IOWA | 40.9491 | -91.5152 |
MQ | Miyako | NDB | 39.8557 | 141.946 | |
MQ | Miquelon | NDB | 47.0975 | -56.3859 | |
MQD | Mount Mcquoid (Closed May 2016) | NDB | -33.1122 | 151.139 | |
MQD | Mount Mcquoid (Closed Nov 2008) | VOR | -33.1083 | 151.139 | |
MQE | Miyako | VOR-DME | 39.8656 | 141.951 | |
MQI | Manteo | NDB | NORTH CAROLINA | 35.9153 | -75.6951 |
MQO | Morro Bay | VORTAC | CALIFORNIA | 35.2523 | -120.7596 |
MQP | Millsap | VORTAC | TEXAS | 32.7262 | -97.9974 |
MQU | Mariquita | VOR-DME | 5.2072 | -74.9242 | |
MQW | Mc Rae | NDB | GEORGIA | 32.0961 | -82.8822 |
MR | Myra | NDB | 59.2677 | 9.5738 | |
MR | Marsabit | NDB | 2.3526 | 37.9842 | |
MR | Mare | NDB | -21.4816 | 168.036 | |
MR | Maribor | NDB | 46.3715 | 15.7932 | |
MR | Masirah | NDB | 20.6774 | 58.8848 | |
MR | Munso | NDB | CALIFORNIA | 36.6207 | -121.9386 |
MRA | Mragowo | VOR-DME | 53.7849 | 21.1328 | |
MRA | Marilia | NDB | -22.1948 | -49.9293 | |
MRB | Maraba | VOR-DME | -5.3682 | -49.1352 | |
MRB | Martinsburg | VORTAC | WEST VIRGINIA | 39.3856 | -77.8484 |
MRB | Marib | NDB | 15.4683 | 45.3283 | |
MRB | Moranbah | NDB | -22.0625 | 148.075 | |
MRB | Maraba | NDB | -5.3713 | -49.1347 | |
MRC | Marica | VOR-DME | -22.9677 | -42.8913 | |
MRD | Mardin | VOR-DME | 37.2277 | 40.6386 | |
MRD | Mardin | NDB | 37.2277 | 40.6386 | |
MRF | Marfa | VOR-DME | TEXAS | 30.2984 | -103.9548 |
MRH | Morehead | NDB | NORTH CAROLINA | 34.7315 | -76.6625 |
MRH | Masirah Island | VORTAC | 20.6744 | 58.8961 | |
MRJ | Mineral Point | NDB | WISCONSIN | 42.8881 | -90.2265 |
MRK | Molly Ridge | NDB | LOUISIANA | 32.4092 | -91.7779 |
MRL | Marmul | VOR-DME | 18.1422 | 55.1779 | |
MRM | Marseille/Provence | VOR-DME | 43.3773 | 5.3264 | |
MRN | Marinilla | VOR-DME | 6.1764 | -75.3239 | |
MRN | Moron | VOR-DME | 37.1751 | -5.6189 | |
MRN | Maringa | NDB | -23.4758 | -52.006 | |
MRN | Moron | TACAN | 37.1732 | -5.6196 | |
MRP | Mariupol | DME | 47.0751 | 37.4518 | |
MRW | Morawa | NDB | -29.2089 | 116.024 | |
MRW | Merowe | VOR-DME | 18.4498 | 31.8187 | |
MRY | Moruya | NDB | -35.8984 | 150.143 | |
MS | Mcinnes Island | NDB | 52.2614 | -128.723 | |
MS | Maniitsoq | DME | 65.4116 | -52.93 | |
MS | Masvingo | NDB | -20.0102 | 30.8439 | |
MS | Matsapha | NDB | -26.5105 | 31.3347 | |
MS | Mae Sot | NDB | 16.7019 | 98.5398 | |
MS | Mong Hsat | NDB | 20.5344 | 99.2627 | |
MS | Monah | NDB | WISCONSIN | 43.0628 | -89.346 |
MS | Marseille/Provence | NDB | 43.3886 | 5.2835 | |
MS | Massawa | NDB | 15.6657 | 39.3158 | |
MS | Matadi | NDB | -5.8188 | 13.4495 | |
MS | Mbandaka | NDB | .014 | 18.283 | |
MS | Monga | NDB | NEW YORK | 41.7667 | -74.8607 |
MS | Misse | NDB | NEW YORK | 44.8541 | -74.9158 |
MSB | Monarch | NDB | KANSAS | 37.7915 | -95.4149 |
MSD | Mashhad | VOR-DME | 36.2312 | 59.6506 | |
MSD | Mashhad | NDB | 36.2286 | 59.6372 | |
MSD | Mashhad | TACAN | 36.2331 | 59.6485 | |
MSD | Mansfield | NDB | LOUISIANA | 32.0643 | -93.7645 |
MSE | Munchen | NDB | 48.3334 | 11.6529 | |
MSL | Muscle Shoals | DME | ALABAMA | 34.7069 | -87.4915 |
MSN | Madison | VORTAC | WISCONSIN | 43.1448 | -89.3397 |
MSNN | Msnn | DME | 24.1944 | 120.654 | |
MSO | Missoula | VOR-DME | MONTANA | 46.908 | -114.0837 |
MSO | Mount Sandon | VOR | -31.3875 | 151.411 | |
MSO | Mount Sandon | NDB | -31.3864 | 151.412 | |
MSP | Minneapolis St Paul | VOT | MINNESOTA | 44.8903 | -93.2294 |
MSP | Minneapolis | VOR-DME | MINNESOTA | 44.8965 | -93.2365 |
MSR | Mostar | VOR-DME | 43.2614 | 17.8557 | |
MSS | Mossoro | VOR-DME | -5.1973 | -37.3645 | |
MSS | Mossoro | NDB | -5.1935 | -37.3645 | |
MSS | Massena | TACAN | NEW YORK | 44.9144 | -74.7227 |
MST | Mae Sot | VOR-DME | 16.6987 | 98.5421 | |
MSV | Macas | VOR-DME | -2.2575 | -78.1101 | |
MSW | Munchen | NDB | 48.3524 | 11.9038 | |
MT | Mawoc | NDB | WISCONSIN | 44.1997 | -87.7022 |
MT | Matetsi | NDB | -18.5089 | 25.924 | |
MT | Mtwara | NDB | -10.3324 | 40.1845 | |
MT | Multan | NDB | 30.1968 | 71.4239 | |
MT | Multan | VOR | 30.194 | 71.4164 | |
MT | Matei | NDB | -16.6883 | -179.881 | |
MTA | Margarita | VOR-DME | 10.9234 | -63.9614 | |
MTA | Margarita | NDB | 10.9206 | -63.9567 | |
MTC | Monte Cristi | NDB | 19.8636 | -71.6465 | |
MTD | Montdidier | VOR | 49.5526 | 2.4895 | |
MTG | Mount Gambier | VOR | -37.7514 | 140.785 | |
MTG | Mount Gambier | NDB | -37.7526 | 140.779 | |
MTG | Martigues | VOR-DME | 43.3863 | 5.0868 | |
MTG | Mitiga | VOR | 32.8928 | 13.2711 | |
MTH | Marathon | NDB | FLORIDA | 24.7119 | -81.0953 |
MTI | Mopti/Ambodedjo | VOR | 14.5261 | -4.0647 | |
MTI | Mornington Island | NDB | -16.6592 | 139.17 | |
MTI | Matadi | NDB | -5.8355 | 13.4662 | |
MTJ | Montrose | VOR-DME | COLORADO | 38.5064 | -107.8993 |
MTL | Monte Real | NDB | 39.9078 | -8.8836 | |
MTL | Montalvo | NDB | -2.07 | -76.9689 | |
MTL | Montelimar | VOR-DME | 44.5549 | 4.7799 | |
MTM | Mataram | VOR-DME | -8.5605 | 116.075 | |
MTO | Mattoon | DME | ILLINOIS | 39.4779 | -88.2862 |
MTP | Mount Pleasant | VOR | -51.8267 | -58.4208 | |
MTP | Mount Pleasant | TACAN | -51.8242 | -58.457 | |
MTP | Mount Hope | VOR-DME | -34.135 | 135.34 | |
MTP | Mount Hope | NDB | -34.1256 | 135.341 | |
MTQ | Metcalf | NDB | MISSISSIPPI | 33.4253 | -90.9821 |
MTR | Metro | VOR | 50.2763 | 8.8486 | |
MTR | Monte Real | TACAN | 39.8326 | -8.8901 | |
MTR | Monteria | VOR-DME | 8.8156 | -75.8178 | |
MTT | Minatitlan | VOR-DME | 18.1029 | -94.5823 | |
MTU | Mitu | NDB | 1.256 | -70.2301 | |
MTU | Myton | VOR-DME | UTAH | 40.1491 | -110.127 |
MTU | Mitu | VOR-DME | 1.2423 | -70.2365 | |
MTW | Manitowoc | DME | WISCONSIN | 44.1285 | -87.6799 |
MTY | Monterrey | VOR-DME | 25.7728 | -100.1038 | |
MU | Musoma | NDB | -1.4995 | 33.8005 | |
MU | Mutare | NDB | -18.9394 | 32.6594 | |
MU | Muren | NDB | 49.6529 | 100.174 | |
MU | Mejametalana | NDB | -29.3026 | 27.5056 | |
MU | Mamuju | NDB | -2.5867 | 119.03 | |
MU | Magdeburg | NDB | 52.0741 | 11.6483 | |
MUN | Munchen | VOR-DME | 48.1803 | 11.816 | |
MUN | Maturin | NDB | 9.7534 | -63.1567 | |
MUN | Maturin | VOR-DME | 9.747 | -63.1523 | |
MUO | Mountain Home | TACAN | IDAHO | 43.0405 | -115.8746 |
MUR | Muri | NDB | 46.9461 | 7.4669 | |
MUS | Mus | NDB | 38.7481 | 41.6611 | |
MUS | Mus | VOR-DME | 38.7481 | 41.6611 | |
MUT | Mut | VOR-DME | 36.8642 | 33.2922 | |
MUT | Mut | NDB | 36.8639 | 33.2931 | |
MV | Mesters Vig | NDB | 72.2333 | -23.9167 | |
MVA | Mina | VORTAC | NEVADA | 38.5653 | -118.0329 |
MVC | Monroeville | VORTAC | ALABAMA | 31.4593 | -87.3525 |
MVE | Montevideo | VOR-DME | MINNESOTA | 44.9727 | -95.7122 |
MVE | Monbetsu | VOR-DME | 44.3053 | 143.395 | |
MVY | Marthas Vineyard | VOR-DME | MASSACHUSETTS | 41.3962 | -70.6127 |
MW | Milkovo | NDB | 54.7067 | 158.61 | |
MW | Mineralnyye Vody | NDB | 44.195 | 43.1517 | |
MW | Migalovo | NDB | 56.8133 | 35.6783 | |
MW | Muara Tewe | NDB | -.9402 | 114.894 | |
MW | Magway | NDB | 20.1661 | 94.9382 | |
MWA | Marion | DME | ILLINOIS | 37.7544 | -89.0118 |
MWB | Manado | VOR-DME | 1.3233 | 124.955 | |
MWH | Moses Lake | VOR-DME | WASHINGTON | 47.2109 | -119.3168 |
MXE | Modena | VORTAC | PENNSYLVANIA | 39.9181 | -75.6708 |
MXF | Maxwell | TACAN | ALABAMA | 32.3794 | -86.3684 |
MXL | Mexicali | VOR-DME | 32.6311 | -115.238 | |
MXN | Maxaranguape | NDB | -5.3862 | -35.531 | |
MXQ | Midwest | VOR-DME | OHIO | 39.4297 | -83.8012 |
MXT | Matsushima | TACAN | 38.4039 | 141.226 | |
MXW | Maxwell | VORTAC | CALIFORNIA | 39.3176 | -122.2215 |
MY | Moyale | NDB | 3.5303 | 39.0509 | |
MY | Myggenes | NDB | 62.1069 | -7.5878 | |
MY | Miyako Jima | NDB | 24.7881 | 125.295 | |
MY | Maradi | NDB | 13.5007 | 7.109 | |
MYB | Maryborough | NDB | -25.5197 | 152.71 | |
MYC | Miyako Jima | VORTAC | 24.786 | 125.301 | |
MYN | Munster | NDB | 52.1593 | 7.8 | |
MYS | Mystic | VOR | KENTUCKY | 37.8941 | -86.2445 |
MYV | Marysville | VOR-DME | CALIFORNIA | 39.0986 | -121.5731 |
MYY | Miri | NDB | 4.2996 | 113.976 | |
MZ | Mwanza | NDB | -2.4422 | 32.9239 | |
MZ | Mezen | NDB | 65.8667 | 44.2 | |
MZ | Mwanza | VOR | -2.4384 | 32.9223 | |
MZB | Mission Bay | VORTAC | CALIFORNIA | 32.7822 | -117.2254 |
MZD | Metzada | VOR-DME | 31.3306 | 35.3905 | |
MZE | Miyazaki | VOR-DME | 31.8787 | 131.437 | |
MZH | Moose Lake | NDB | MINNESOTA | 46.4165 | -92.8048 |
MZT | Maizuru | TACAN | 35.5481 | 135.426 | |
MZT | Mazatlan | VOR-DME | 23.1605 | -106.271 | |
MZU | Mulu | NDB | 4.0339 | 114.798 | |
MZV | Mazenod | VOR-DME | -29.5004 | 27.5406 | |
MZV | Moline | VOR-DME | ILLINOIS | 41.3209 | -90.6382 |
MZZ | Marion | VOR-DME | INDIANA | 40.4933 | -85.6793 |
ND | Moanda | NDB | -1.53 | 13.2671 | |
NE | Minsk-1 | NDB | 53.8367 | 27.6067 | |
NI | Mykolaiv | NDB | 47.0289 | 31.8678 | |
NK | Mykolaiv | NDB | 47.0872 | 31.9714 | |
NKX | Miramar | TACAN | CALIFORNIA | 32.8697 | -117.1549 |
NM | Matagami | NDB | 49.7239 | -77.7417 | |
NMM | Meridian | TACAN | MISSISSIPPI | 32.5783 | -88.5452 |
NMN | Mendig | NDB | 50.3678 | 7.3137 | |
NMT | Meyerton | NDB | -26.5572 | 28.0325 | |
NO | Maumere | NDB | -8.6355 | 122.236 | |
NR | Moela | NDB | -24.0505 | -46.2642 | |
NRB | Mayport | TACAN | FLORIDA | 30.3886 | -81.4231 |
NS | Mary | NDB | 37.5717 | 61.8981 | |
NUQ | Moffett | TACAN | CALIFORNIA | 37.4324 | -122.0576 |
NW | Maastricht | NDB | 51.0194 | 5.8783 | |
NZ | Mirny | NDB | 62.51 | 113.955 | |
O | Murcia/San Javier | NDB | 37.7618 | -.8291 | |
OA | Ministro Pistarini | NDB | -34.8903 | -58.506 | |
OA | Marmul | NDB | 18.1667 | 55.2333 | |
OAB | Moab | VOR-DME | UTAH | 38.7562 | -109.7493 |
OB | Marseille/Provence | NDB | 43.2298 | 5.6654 | |
OC | Ministro Pistarini | NDB | -34.8048 | -58.6334 | |
OGG | Maui | VORTAC | HAWAII | 20.9065 | -156.421 |
ON | Music | NDB | TENNESSEE | 36.4604 | -86.9843 |
ON | Medan | NDB | 3.5684 | 98.673 | |
OOM | Moomba | NDB-DME | -28.1044 | 140.199 | |
OSE | Mihara | VOR-DME | 34.7877 | 139.365 | |
OTJ | Mostar | TACAN | 43.2747 | 17.8529 | |
OX | Morotai | NDB | 2.0446 | 128.324 | |
OZ | Mariano Moreno | NDB | -34.4833 | -58.8217 | |
PA | Malabo | NDB | 3.7013 | 8.9122 | |
PBC | Maury County | NDB | TENNESSEE | 35.6082 | -87.0914 |
PF | Murmansk | NDB | 68.8233 | 32.6683 | |
PIL | Melipilla | NDB | -33.6775 | -71.2231 | |
PKB | Marietta Ohio | FAN MARKER | WEST VIRGINIA | 39.3853 | -81.4142 |
PN | Manado | NDB | 1.4936 | 124.909 | |
PO | Meier | NDB | NEW YORK | 41.5751 | -73.9649 |
PP | Metro | NDB | -23.6438 | -46.6443 | |
PP | Maraca | NDB | -20.4088 | -54.6303 | |
PQF | Mesquite | NDB | TEXAS | 32.8094 | -96.5291 |
PUR | Marshall | NDB | MISSOURI | 39.042 | -93.1958 |
QHA | Mekele | VOR-DME | 13.4728 | 39.5247 | |
QM | Moncton | NDB | 46.11 | -64.5818 | |
QM | Machulishchi | NDB | 53.82 | 27.5533 | |
QMS | Monjas Sur | VOR-DME | -.2356 | -78.4778 | |
RA | Manyani | NDB | -3.1024 | 38.5009 | |
RC | Makhtaly | NDB | 40.9833 | 68.2333 | |
RD | Miranda | NDB | -37.1938 | 175.299 | |
RD | Murmansk | NDB | 68.7433 | 32.8183 | |
RF | Magnitogorsk | NDB | 53.345 | 58.7333 | |
RIV | March | TACAN | CALIFORNIA | 33.9065 | -117.275 |
RM | Mama | NDB | 58.3167 | 112.883 | |
RMA | Malaga | NDB | 36.6589 | -4.4767 | |
RMD | Mc Dermitt State | NDB | OREGON | 42.0116 | -117.721 |
ROB | Monrovia Roberts | VOR-DME | 6.2395 | -10.3583 | |
RP | Malacky | NDB | 48.4744 | 17.1525 | |
RRL | Merrill | NDB | WISCONSIN | 45.1986 | -89.7043 |
RW | Maryino | NDB | 55.7 | 38.2167 | |
RY | Mount Mary | VOR-DME | -44.1351 | 170.281 | |
SA | Mavis | NDB | GEORGIA | 32.1298 | -81.3315 |
SA | Mielec | NDB | 50.3222 | 21.5011 | |
SAN | Mount Soledad | VOT | CALIFORNIA | 32.8398 | -117.2528 |
SB | Misha | NDB | INDIANA | 41.7056 | -86.219 |
SG | Mirny | NDB | 62.5617 | 114.122 | |
SL | Maguohe | NDB | 25.4483 | 103.292 | |
SM | Makhachkala | NDB | 42.775 | 47.685 | |
SM | Monrovia Spriggs Payne | NDB | 6.3262 | -10.7333 | |
SMI | Mitrovica | VOR-DME | 45.0095 | 19.4308 | |
SMO | Mateo | VOR-DME | 19.5557 | -99.2283 | |
SMR | Mitrovica | NDB | 44.9994 | 19.6097 | |
SNE | Moriya | VOR-DME | 35.9348 | 139.981 | |
SO | Muynak | NDB | 43.7667 | 59.0333 | |
SP | Malinovka | NDB | 56.7 | 85.35 | |
TA | Makhachkala | NDB | 42.975 | 47.5233 | |
TBE | Memanbetsu | VOR-DME | 43.8849 | 144.166 | |
TCM | Mcchord | TACAN | WASHINGTON | 47.1477 | -122.475 |
TD | Moundou | VOR | 8.6371 | 16.0802 | |
TE | Moramanga | NDB | -18.9534 | 48.2255 | |
TFE | Musashi | VOR-DME | 33.4897 | 131.729 | |
TJJ | Mbanga | NDB | 4.4907 | 9.5677 | |
TJL | Maroua/Salak | NDB | 10.4622 | 14.2441 | |
TKO | Mankato | VORTAC | KANSAS | 39.8064 | -98.26 |
TN | Monry | NDB | FLORIDA | 25.8618 | -81.0111 |
TO | Malvik | NDB | 63.4398 | 10.6801 | |
TR | Mocca | NDB | TENNESSEE | 36.5555 | -82.3179 |
TSO | Malelane | NDB | -25.4403 | 31.675 | |
TTT | Maverick | VOR-DME | TEXAS | 32.8692 | -97.0405 |
UA | Mthatha | NDB | -31.5583 | 28.7019 | |
UAU | Mckay | TACAN | 48.3736 | -89.329 | |
UF | Mogilev | NDB | 53.9867 | 30.045 | |
UJM | Marvell | VOR-DME | ARKANSAS | 34.575 | -90.6744 |
UL | Montreal | NDB | 45.46 | -73.8483 | |
UMO | Moa | NDB | 20.6489 | -74.9306 | |
UMP | Metropolitan | NDB | INDIANA | 39.9377 | -86.0502 |
UMZ | Manzanillo | VOR-DME | 20.3028 | -77.0994 | |
UR | Margate | NDB | -30.8042 | 30.3694 | |
US | Muravlyanka | NDB | 53.75 | 38.5 | |
UT | Mthatha | NDB | -31.5478 | 28.7297 | |
UU | Mzuzu | NDB | -11.4431 | 34.0138 | |
V1 | Moose Jaw Muni | NDB | 50.4333 | -105.387 | |
VAD | Moody | TACAN | GEORGIA | 30.9601 | -83.1935 |
VI | Masvingo | NDB | -20.0417 | 30.8567 | |
VLY | Melisa | NDB | TEXAS | 33.2618 | -96.5888 |
VMA | Maputo | VOR-DME | -25.8689 | 32.605 | |
VMF | Mfuwe | VOR-DME | -13.2615 | 31.915 | |
VMI | Miri | VOR-DME | 4.3378 | 113.994 | |
VMK | Malacca | VOR-DME | 2.2564 | 102.251 | |
VMR | Mersing | VOR-DME | 2.3883 | 103.872 | |
VMS | Matsapha | VOR-DME | -26.5119 | 31.3236 | |
VMV | Masvingo | VOR-DME | -20.0568 | 30.8536 | |
VMZ | Mzuzu | VOR-DME | -11.4153 | 34.0017 | |
VNN | Mount Vernon | DME | ILLINOIS | 38.362 | -88.8073 |
VSJ | Mahajanga | NDB | -15.6741 | 46.342 | |
VSJ | Murcia/San Javier | VOR-DME | 37.7798 | -.8128 | |
VSJ | Murcia/San Javier | TACAN | 37.7799 | -.8129 | |
VSL | Maroantsetra | NDB | -15.4333 | 49.6833 | |
VSO | Morondava | NDB | -20.2876 | 44.3172 | |
VSR | Manakara | NDB | -22.1165 | 48.022 | |
VWD | Mount Snow | NDB | VERMONT | 42.9276 | -72.864 |
VX | Minsk-2 | NDB | 53.9217 | 27.975 | |
VZU | Mulu | VOR-DME | 4.0329 | 114.795 | |
WA | Magadan | NDB | 59.9083 | 150.822 | |
WFD | Manchester Woodford | NDB | 53.3377 | -2.1584 | |
WJ | Mys Schmidta | NDB | 68.905 | -179.457 | |
WMT | Matsumae | TACAN | 41.4354 | 140.085 | |
WN | Machulishchi | NDB | 53.7233 | 27.6067 | |
XH | Medicine Hat | NDB | 50.0131 | -110.799 | |
YEE | Midland | VOR-DME | 44.5817 | -79.7931 | |
YME | Miyazu | VOR-DME | 35.4807 | 135.137 | |
YMH | Mary'S Harbour | NDB | 52.3153 | -55.8324 | |
YMJ | Moose Jaw | VORTAC | 50.3311 | -105.563 | |
YMO | Moosonee | VOR-DME | 51.2915 | -80.6074 | |
YMS | Mans | VORTAC | 44.1431 | -80.1462 | |
YMW | Maniwaki | NDB | 46.2075 | -75.9564 | |
YMX | Mirabel | VOR-DME | 45.8883 | -74.3758 | |
YNP | Managua | NDB | 12.142 | -86.1589 | |
YQM | Moncton | VORTAC | 46.189 | -64.5708 | |
YSP | Marathon | VOR-DME | 48.7434 | -86.3275 | |
YUL | Montreal | VOR-DME | 45.6158 | -73.9708 | |
YY | Mont Joli | NDB | 48.5667 | -68.2586 | |
YYY | Mont Joli | DME | 48.6121 | -68.209 | |
YYY | Mont Joli | VOR-DME | 48.6121 | -68.209 | |
Z | Mariano Moreno | NDB | -34.5383 | -58.8 | |
ZL | Mys Kamenny | NDB | 68.5083 | 73.58 | |
ZL | Maastricht Locator Zl | NDB | 50.934 | 5.7926 | |
ZLO | Manzanillo | VOR-DME | 19.1501 | -104.572 | |
ZLP | Meadowvale | NDB | 43.6278 | -79.7312 | |
ZMH | Marsh Harbour | NDB | 26.5111 | -77.0769 | |
ZP | Merauke | NDB | -8.5107 | 140.41 | |
ZQ | Manokwari | NDB | -.8871 | 134.052 | |
ZSK | Moonlake | NDB | 52.1 | -106.662 | |
ZZV | Monoghan | NDB | 50.212 | -66.301 |