Mission Statement
To be a trusted resource for all aviators and enthusiasts and a place where "everyone is a pilot.
Vision Statement
To create a community where pilots can get real information, advice, and opinions from other pilots to plan and take the perfect flight.
About Us
Where Did AirportGuide.com Come From?
- I didn’t know where the data was
- It was before the internet
- The fastest computers were very slow which required leaving data processing tasks overnight and crossing your fingers that it worked (It takes one minute now when it used to take 8 hours in the early 1990’s)
- The data wasn’t that great when I found it
- I had to scan sectional maps for every airport, heliport, seaplane base, gliderport, STOLport, and ultralight field, and then I had to find diagrams.
- At this point I was a bit ahead of my time as there were no digital airport diagrams to be had so I had to scan those too.

Convert this to a web application or watch it die very quickly
I learned html and over about a year, converted this into a very nice web site with all of the functionality of the CD. The problem was nobody would pay for this to make it worth my while AND Google’s AdSense program did not yet exist. I started to advertise the site for sale with no serious buyers. While at Oshkosh, I was introduced to some people from Dynamic Systems Integration who were bidding on a NASA proposal called SATS-Net; this was supposed to be the Next Gen Small Aircraft Transportation System. They asked me to bid with them so they could use my databases as the core for the program. We won the proposal but when it came time for the implementation, they only wanted part of the database, As a result, it wouldn’t be worth the effort I would need to put into it. We discussed it for awhile and decided it was in their best interest to purchase the Airport Guide web site.
I was a bit upset about selling Airport Guide after my 10,000+ hours of work that went into its development but I had free time again. After a few years I noticed that the domain name, AirportGuide.com, was not being used except to redirect people to their new site. I really wanted it back even though I didn’t know what I would do with it. In June 2008 I was able to purchase the domain name back but as I said, what would I do with it?
I am sure that I will keep adding to the functionality of the site to make it even more useful to everyone. Please feel free to contact us if you have any suggestions or comments. With your help, AirportGuide.com will once again be a one-stop aviation and traveler destination on the web.
Thanks for reading and here’s to a great community site!
About Our Air, Hotel, and Car Booking Engine
Our hotel-booking engine is powered by Priceline, a member of the ASTA (American Society of Travel Agents) and IATAN (International Airlines Travel Agent Network).Our powerful hotel engine provides the widest selection of hotel accommodations throughout the world from many inventories such as Booking.com and Agoda. This technology connects directly to the central reservations systems of hotels worldwide, resulting in better rate and room descriptions, and in many cases, a greater variety of rates. This arrangement translates into considerable savings.