Your Navaid search results are below. The map will show you the locations of navaids that match your search criteria. Click on the map to zoom in. Below the map is a table showing a listing of results by Navaid ID, Name, State, Type, and Latitude/Longitude coordinates. For detailed information just click on any of the names.
690 Navaids Found |
Navaid ID | Name | Type | State | Latitude | Longitude |
Navaid ID | Name | Type | State | Latitude | Longitude |
2T | Pokemouche | NDB | 47.715 | -64.8858 | |
3R | Postville | NDB | 54.9075 | -59.7969 | |
4H | Points North Landing | NDB | 58.2692 | -104.08 | |
6F | Port Hope Simpson | NDB | 52.5203 | -56.2952 | |
8J | Provost | NDB | 52.3328 | -110.273 | |
8J | Provost | DME | 52.3336 | -110.273 | |
9S | Powell River Bc | DME | 49.8356 | -124.499 | |
9Y | Pincher Creek | NDB | 49.5233 | -113.999 | |
AB | Podkamennaya Tunguska | NDB | 61.5917 | 89.9417 | |
AB | Putny | NDB | GEORGIA | 31.4561 | -84.2762 |
AC | Pleasant Lake | NDB | 43.8609 | -66.0436 | |
ADO | Puerto Deseado | NDB | -47.7333 | -65.9094 | |
AKT | Preveza/Aktion | VOR-DME | 38.9249 | 20.7615 | |
AM | Pande | NDB | TEXAS | 35.1465 | -101.8055 |
AM | Picny | NDB | FLORIDA | 27.8612 | -82.5459 |
AS | Punta Arenas | NDB | -53.0006 | -70.8211 | |
AT | Pontianak | NDB | -.1426 | 109.405 | |
BAR | Puerto Barrios | NDB | 15.7367 | -88.595 | |
BC | Provideniya Bay | NDB | 64.3767 | -173.243 | |
BK | Perm | NDB | 57.8817 | 55.9583 | |
BM | Pevek | NDB | 69.735 | 170.627 | |
BPO | Piney Grove | NDB | TENNESSEE | 36.5395 | -84.476 |
BTO | Potou | VOR-DME | 38.1083 | 116.578 | |
BU | Pulua Batu | NDB | -.0195 | 98.2968 | |
C | Parduc | NDB | 47.3455 | 17.5117 | |
CB | Pondok Cabe | NDB | -6.3498 | 106.768 | |
CDO | Punta Caucedo | VOR-DME | 18.4342 | -69.6673 | |
CF | Pubbs | NDB | VIRGINIA | 37.3333 | -77.4534 |
CGQ | Powell | NDB | TEXAS | 32.0641 | -96.4263 |
CK | Prerov | NDB | 49.4071 | 17.3392 | |
CMH | Port Columbus | VOT | OHIO | 39.9947 | -82.8853 |
CN | Piestany | NDB | 48.5708 | 17.8084 | |
CO | Petey | NDB | COLORADO | 38.6944 | -104.7163 |
COF | Patrick | TACAN | FLORIDA | 28.2377 | -80.6118 |
CP | Parduc | NDB | 47.3202 | 17.5253 | |
CTL | Punta Castilla | NDB | 16.0072 | -85.9739 | |
CVV | Penn Cove | VOR-DME | WASHINGTON | 48.2447 | -122.7244 |
D3 | Ponoka Indus | NDB | 52.6833 | -113.606 | |
DAN | Podgorica | NDB | 42.545 | 19.1235 | |
DB | Pochinok | NDB | 57.7167 | 34.9667 | |
DC | Princeton | NDB | 49.4694 | -120.517 | |
DDD | Port City | DME | IOWA | 41.3663 | -91.1493 |
DIP | Planter | NDB | 52.4729 | 13.4683 | |
DL | Pykla | NDB | MINNESOTA | 46.8457 | -92.3549 |
DT | Pinck | NDB | TEXAS | 33.2831 | -97.1963 |
ECK | Peck | TACAN | MICHIGAN | 43.2559 | -82.7179 |
EON | Peotone | VORTAC | ILLINOIS | 41.2696 | -87.7911 |
ES | Pikle | NDB | MICHIGAN | 45.7227 | -87.2248 |
F | Pruszcz Gdanski | NDB | 54.2451 | 18.6993 | |
FFC | Pecat | NDB | GEORGIA | 33.3009 | -84.4864 |
FFO | Patterson | TACAN | OHIO | 39.819 | -84.0555 |
FK | Palangkaraya | NDB | -2.2252 | 113.946 | |
FN | Petli | NDB | MICHIGAN | 42.9681 | -83.8901 |
FT | Pruszcz Gdanski | NDB | 54.2405 | 18.7459 | |
FX | Praiz | NDB | FLORIDA | 26.1851 | -80.2984 |
FXU | Polk | VOR | LOUISIANA | 31.1115 | -93.2192 |
GB | Plazz | NDB | NEW YORK | 42.8739 | -78.8165 |
GC | Pieve | NDB | KANSAS | 37.8288 | -100.7242 |
GGU | Prague | NDB | OKLAHOMA | 35.5167 | -96.7186 |
GK | Pyongyang | VOR-DME | 39.2339 | 125.673 | |
GND | Point Salines | NDB | 12.0093 | -61.781 | |
GND | Point Salines | VOR-DME | 12.0013 | -61.7854 | |
GTP | Paton | NDB | GEORGIA | 30.9576 | -83.8267 |
HA | Prince Said Abrahim | NDB | -11.6008 | 43.2609 | |
HAI | Prince Said Ibrahim | VOR-DME | -11.515 | 43.2767 | |
HHP | Port Au Prince | NDB | 18.5773 | -72.2866 | |
HPK | Parkk | NDB | WASHINGTON | 47.5324 | -122.307 |
HUE | Phubai | VOR-DME | 16.4011 | 107.703 | |
HUR | Person | NDB | NORTH CAROLINA | 36.2333 | -79.0659 |
HW | Pantnagar | NDB | 29.0311 | 79.4737 | |
IA | Pestana | NDB | -29.994 | -51.1958 | |
IAK | Palatka | NDB | FLORIDA | 29.6535 | -81.8125 |
IC | Piche | NDB | KANSAS | 37.5782 | -97.4558 |
IOS | Puerto Barrios | VOR-DME | 15.7368 | -88.5888 | |
IPR | Prince Rupert | DME | 54.2906 | -130.451 | |
IT | Pena | NDB | -25.5145 | -49.1915 | |
IT | Pointe Noire | VOR | -4.8232 | 11.8874 | |
IY | Pira | NDB | -22.0675 | -47.3407 | |
JOA | Palma De Mallorca | VOR-DME | 39.5647 | 2.7466 | |
JPU | Parkersburg | VOR-DME | WEST VIRGINIA | 39.4412 | -81.3748 |
JW | Pigeon | NDB | 51.045 | -114.63 | |
KPO | Pohang | VORTAC | 35.9775 | 129.474 | |
L | Porsang | NDB | 69.8958 | 25.0081 | |
L | Paso De Los Libres | NDB | -29.6694 | -57.1558 | |
LAW | Poznan | VOR-DME | 52.4224 | 16.8302 | |
LB | Panbe | NDB | NEBRASKA | 41.0683 | -100.5724 |
LB | Panck | NDB | KANSAS | 36.9646 | -100.9563 |
LC | Pickl | NDB | OHIO | 39.8811 | -82.836 |
LEN | Post Falls | NDB | IDAHO | 47.7429 | -116.961 |
LIB | Paso De Los Libres | NDB | -29.6947 | -57.1481 | |
LN | Potts | NDB | NEBRASKA | 40.7472 | -96.7624 |
ME | Port Sudan | NDB | 19.5772 | 37.2172 | |
MG | Philibert Tsiranana | VOR-DME | -15.6575 | 46.3407 | |
MGL | Ponta Delgada | NDB | 37.7414 | -25.5839 | |
MJV | Palma De Mallorca | VOR-DME | 39.4352 | 2.7583 | |
MK | Pongtiku | NDB | -3.0444 | 119.819 | |
MM | Parsabade Moghan | NDB | 39.6125 | 47.8547 | |
MON | Puerto Montt | VOR-DME | -41.4292 | -73.0919 | |
MPG | Progreso | NDB | 21.2734 | -89.7136 | |
MS | Plaisance | NDB | -20.4402 | 57.6908 | |
MW | Pelly | NDB | WASHINGTON | 47.1157 | -119.2745 |
MW | Plaza | NDB | 19.3937 | -99.1495 | |
N | Presidente Peron | NDB | -38.95 | -68.1871 | |
NAS | Punta Arenas | VOR-DME | -53.0037 | -70.8537 | |
NAS | Punta Arenas | NDB | -53.0102 | -70.8639 | |
NHK | Patuxent | NDB | MARYLAND | 38.286 | -76.4033 |
NO | Pamplona | NDB | 42.75 | -1.6317 | |
NP | Pskov | NDB | 57.8267 | 28.4233 | |
NPA | Pensacola | TACAN | FLORIDA | 30.3579 | -87.3165 |
NPH | Pohang (Navy) | VORTAC | 35.9864 | 129.409 | |
NTD | Point Mugu | TACAN | CALIFORNIA | 34.1233 | -119.122 |
NW | Pekanbaru | NDB | .4665 | 101.453 | |
OBI | Pietermaritzburg | NDB | -29.6102 | 30.395 | |
OI | Pangkal Pinang | NDB | -2.1617 | 106.142 | |
OK | Preso | NDB | OKLAHOMA | 35.7552 | -95.9487 |
OKL | Praha | VOR-DME | 50.0965 | 14.2628 | |
OM | Pondicherry | NDB | 11.9662 | 79.8098 | |
ON | Presidente Peron | NDB | -38.9499 | -68.2578 | |
OP | Palu | NDB | -.9175 | 119.905 | |
OQ | Padang | NDB | -.9255 | 100.357 | |
ORI | Pietermaritzburg | NDB | -29.5596 | 30.4487 | |
OS | Pober | NDB | WISCONSIN | 43.8739 | -88.5576 |
OUC | Pamlico/Dcmsnd | NDB-DME | NORTH CAROLINA | 35.1166 | -75.9874 |
OW | Palembang | NDB | -2.9107 | 104.676 | |
OZN | Prins Christian Sund | NDB | 60.0572 | -43.1597 | |
P | Pyrzowice | NDB | 50.4735 | 19.1066 | |
P | Posadas | NDB | -27.4062 | -55.9702 | |
P | Plovdiv | NDB | 42.0547 | 24.8738 | |
PA | Parutyne | NDB | 46.6947 | 31.9034 | |
PA | Palma De Mallorca | NDB | 39.5994 | 2.8212 | |
PA | Pancevo | NDB | 44.8917 | 20.6411 | |
PA | Pavlovshina | NDB | 56.75 | 93.5667 | |
PA | Parakou | VOR | 9.3701 | 2.6191 | |
PA | Port Alfred | NDB | -33.5603 | 26.8781 | |
PA | Prince Albert | NDB | 53.2181 | -105.795 | |
PA | Pajuostis | NDB | 55.7611 | 24.4111 | |
PA | Pomala | NDB | -4.1834 | 121.614 | |
PA | Porto Amboim | NDB | -10.7167 | 13.7667 | |
PA | Pemba | NDB | -5.258 | 39.8145 | |
PA | Patreksfjordur | NDB | 65.5558 | -23.9531 | |
PA | Papa-Alfa | NDB | 66.4691 | 25.6488 | |
PAD | Parsabade Moghan | NDB | 39.5787 | 47.9673 | |
PAD | Paderborn/Lippstadt | NDB-DME | 51.6236 | 8.6394 | |
PAE | Phrae | VOR-DME | 18.1341 | 100.166 | |
PAE | Paine | VOR-DME | WASHINGTON | 47.9198 | -122.2778 |
PAF | Paulo Afonso | NDB | -9.399 | -38.2456 | |
PAF | Paulo Afonso | VOR | -9.402 | -38.2528 | |
PAG | Porto Alegre | NDB | -29.9932 | -51.1738 | |
PAG | Port Augusta | NDB | -32.5264 | 137.701 | |
PAI | Pirai | VOR-DME | -22.454 | -43.8405 | |
PAI | Pirai | NDB | -22.4551 | -43.841 | |
PAI | Pacoima | NDB | CALIFORNIA | 34.2597 | -118.4134 |
PAK | Pakse | VOR-DME | 15.1967 | 105.738 | |
PAK | Preveza | NDB | 38.9166 | 20.7573 | |
PAL | Palmyra | NDB | 34.5529 | 38.2983 | |
PAL | Palma | NDB | -2.025 | -79.8089 | |
PAL | Palu | VOR-DME | -.885 | 119.895 | |
PAL | Palermo | NDB | 38.0343 | 13.1774 | |
PAL | Palermo | VOR-DME | 38.034 | 13.1774 | |
PAM | Pamplona | NDB | 42.7142 | -1.639 | |
PAM | Pampus | VOR-DME | 52.3348 | 5.0922 | |
PAM | Pampa | VOR-DME | 8.0133 | .5615 | |
PAN | Pantelleria | VOR-DME | 36.8142 | 11.9652 | |
PAN | Payson | DME | ARIZONA | 34.2544 | -111.3352 |
PAN | Pantelleria | NDB | 36.8114 | 11.961 | |
PAO | Paros | NDB | 37.0126 | 25.1289 | |
PAP | Pamplona | VOR-DME | 42.6884 | -1.6608 | |
PAP | Port Au Prince | VOR-DME | 18.5765 | -72.3042 | |
PAR | Paradisi | VOR-DME | 36.4001 | 28.0653 | |
PAR | Puerto Aguirre | VOR-DME | -45.1592 | -73.5225 | |
PAR | Parrita | NDB | 9.5175 | -84.3169 | |
PAR | Parma | NDB | 44.8223 | 10.2933 | |
PAR | Parana | VOR-DME | -31.8083 | -60.4847 | |
PAS | Passeiry | VOR-DME | 46.1637 | 5.9999 | |
PAT | Patos De Minas | NDB | -18.6686 | -46.4933 | |
PAV | Pastaza | VOR-DME | -1.5139 | -78.0447 | |
PAY | Puerto Ayacucho | VOR | 5.6189 | -67.609 | |
PAY | Puerto Ayacucho | NDB | 5.6222 | -67.6087 | |
PAZ | Poza Rica | VOR-DME | 20.6006 | -97.4551 | |
PB | Pangsuma | NDB | .8351 | 112.937 | |
PB | Phubai | NDB | 16.3958 | 107.772 | |
PB | Prachin Buri | NDB | 14.12 | 101.368 | |
PB | Polokwane | NDB | -23.8663 | 29.4507 | |
PB | Pemba | NDB | -12.9515 | 40.5009 | |
PB | Port Bell | NDB | .2958 | 32.656 | |
PBC | Puebla | VOR-DME | 19.1609 | -98.3702 | |
PBF | Pine Bluff | VOR-DME | ARKANSAS | 34.2468 | -91.9262 |
PBH | Phillips | NDB | WISCONSIN | 45.7033 | -90.4129 |
PBI | Palm Beach | VORTAC | FLORIDA | 26.6801 | -80.0865 |
PBI | Palm Beach | VOT | FLORIDA | 26.6872 | -80.1038 |
PBL | Puerto Cabello | VOR-DME | 10.487 | -68.0765 | |
PBL | Puerto Bolivar | NDB | 12.2186 | -72.0072 | |
PBO | Paraburdoo | VOR-DME | -23.1725 | 117.737 | |
PBO | Paraburdoo | NDB | -23.1789 | 117.743 | |
PBT | Proberta | NDB | CALIFORNIA | 40.1139 | -122.2374 |
PC | Parduc | NDB | 47.4073 | 17.4786 | |
PC | Parachinar | NDB | 33.9054 | 70.0724 | |
PC | Phucat | NDB | 13.8656 | 109.106 | |
PCA | Punta Cana | NDB | 18.5643 | -68.3714 | |
PCA | Pachuca | VOR-DME | 20.1318 | -98.6844 | |
PCA | Phucat | VOR-DME | 13.9572 | 109.043 | |
PCB | Phetchabun | VOR-DME | 16.676 | 101.197 | |
PCI | Pici | NDB | -3.7517 | -38.625 | |
PCK | Prachuap | TACAN | 11.8035 | 99.8102 | |
PCK | Point Cook | NDB | -37.9268 | 144.756 | |
PCK | Prachuap | NDB | 11.7901 | 99.8068 | |
PCL | Pocos | NDB | -21.8358 | -46.5657 | |
PCR | Puerto Carreno | NDB | 6.1816 | -67.4912 | |
PCR | Pari-Cachoeira | NDB | .2618 | -69.7885 | |
PCU | Picayune | VOR-DME | MISSISSIPPI | 30.5612 | -89.7305 |
PCW | Port Clinton | NDB | OHIO | 41.5187 | -82.8688 |
PCX | Porto | VOR-DME | -22.7153 | -42.8575 | |
PD | Ponta Delgada | NDB | 37.735 | -25.675 | |
PD | Port Hedland | VOR-DME | -20.3783 | 118.623 | |
PD | Port Hedland | NDB | -20.3892 | 118.643 | |
PD | Pendopo | NDB | -3.2835 | 103.882 | |
PDA | Puerto Inirida | VOR-DME | 3.8526 | -67.9038 | |
PDG | Padang | VOR-DME | -.8711 | 100.353 | |
PDG | Pajar | NDB | CALIFORNIA | 36.9136 | -121.808 |
PDH | Pudahuel | VOR-DME | -33.4147 | -70.8014 | |
PDI | Punta Indio | NDB | -35.3528 | -57.3072 | |
PDI | Punta Indio | VOR-DME | -35.3461 | -57.2756 | |
PDK | Peachtree | VOR-DME | GEORGIA | 33.8756 | -84.2988 |
PDN | Port Heiden | NDB-DME | ALASKA | 56.9543 | -158.6476 |
PDO | Puerto Maldonado | VOR-DME | -12.6083 | -69.2272 | |
PDT | Pendleton | VORTAC | OREGON | 45.6984 | -118.9387 |
PDT | Perales | VOR-DME | 40.2529 | -3.348 | |
PDV | Padova | NDB | 45.3601 | 11.8181 | |
PDV | Plovdiv | VOR-DME | 42.0533 | 24.8761 | |
PDX | Portland | VOR-DME | OREGON | 45.5937 | -122.6063 |
PDX | Portland | VOT | OREGON | 45.5966 | -122.6038 |
PDZ | Paradise | VORTAC | CALIFORNIA | 33.9183 | -117.53 |
PE | Pechory | NDB | 57.8167 | 27.6 | |
PEA | Pearce | NDB | -31.6544 | 116.019 | |
PEA | Pearce | TACAN | -31.6739 | 116.017 | |
PEA | Pella | NDB | IOWA | 41.4045 | -92.9446 |
PED | Perdasdefogu | TACAN | 39.6692 | 9.4433 | |
PEE | Peters Creek | NDB | ALASKA | 62.331 | -150.0964 |
PEH | Pehuajo | NDB | -35.8411 | -61.8608 | |
PEI | Pereira | VOR-DME | 4.7808 | -75.8356 | |
PEL | Pelada | NDB | -3.1428 | -59.9936 | |
PEP | Prilep | NDB-DME | 41.3378 | 21.4486 | |
PEQ | Pecos | VOR-DME | TEXAS | 31.4693 | -103.5748 |
PER | Perus | NDB | -23.4206 | -46.7559 | |
PER | Pioneer | VORTAC | OKLAHOMA | 36.7465 | -97.1602 |
PES | Pescara | VOR-DME | 42.4361 | 14.1844 | |
PEV | Port Elizabeth | VOR-DME | -33.9925 | 25.6057 | |
PF | Parafield | NDB | -34.7997 | 138.617 | |
PFD | Passo Fundo | VOR | -28.2383 | -52.3265 | |
PFD | Passo Fundo | NDB | -28.2408 | -52.3298 | |
PFH | Philmont | NDB | NEW YORK | 42.2531 | -73.7234 |
PFL | Post | NDB | OKLAHOMA | 34.6088 | -98.4038 |
PFT | Piney Pinecreek | NDB | MINNESOTA | 48.9944 | -95.9809 |
PG | Penggung | NDB | -6.7551 | 108.54 | |
PG | Port Gentil | NDB | -.6938 | 8.7617 | |
PG | Panjgur | NDB | 26.9562 | 64.1383 | |
PG | Portage | NDB | 49.8418 | -98.1796 | |
PG | Panjgur | VOR-DME | 26.9556 | 64.1253 | |
PG | Port Gentil | VOR | -.7288 | 8.7475 | |
PG | Porto | NDB | 41.0781 | -8.6367 | |
PGA | Page | VOR-DME | ARIZONA | 36.931 | -111.4474 |
PGD | Punta Gorda | VOR | FLORIDA | 26.9168 | -81.9912 |
PGL | Pongola | NDB | -27.3984 | 31.6533 | |
PGN | Pagerungan | NDB | -6.9589 | 115.931 | |
PGS | Peach Springs | VOR-DME | ARIZONA | 35.6247 | -113.5445 |
PGY | Poggi | VORTAC | CALIFORNIA | 32.6103 | -116.9791 |
PH | Portland Lhb-P | MARINE NDB | MAINE | 43.527 | -70.0914 |
PH | Phetchabun | NDB | 16.6609 | 101.19 | |
PH | Phurn | NDB | MICHIGAN | 42.843 | -82.5966 |
PH | Port Harcourt | NDB | 4.834 | 7.0159 | |
PH | Perth | NDB | -31.9375 | 115.95 | |
PH | Perth | VOR-DME | -31.945 | 115.959 | |
PHA | Pafos | VOR-DME | 34.7117 | 32.5067 | |
PHA | Pafos | NDB | 34.7183 | 32.4783 | |
PHA | Pafos | TACAN | 34.7351 | 32.4842 | |
PHG | Phillipsburg | NDB | KANSAS | 39.7056 | -99.288 |
PHK | Pahokee | VOR-DME | FLORIDA | 26.7827 | -80.6914 |
PHL | Philadelphia | VOT | PENNSYLVANIA | 39.8653 | -75.2337 |
PHO | Point Hope | NDB | ALASKA | 68.3446 | -166.7982 |
PHP | Philip | VOR-DME | SOUTH DAKOTA | 44.0582 | -101.6642 |
PHR | Pokhara | NDB-DME | 28.2006 | 83.9844 | |
PHT | Phanthiet | VOR-DME | 10.9278 | 108.07 | |
PHV | Phalaborwa | VOR | -23.9008 | 31.152 | |
PHX | Phoenix | VOT | ARIZONA | 33.4354 | -112.0079 |
PI | Pietersburg | NDB | -23.9336 | 29.4686 | |
PI | Poitiers | NDB | 46.7039 | .407 | |
PI | Pasni | NDB | 25.2881 | 63.3489 | |
PI | Pico | NDB | 38.5582 | -28.4032 | |
PI | Pii | NDB | 49.8731 | 31.1233 | |
PIA | Peoria | VORTAC | ILLINOIS | 40.6801 | -89.7928 |
PIA | Piacenza | TACAN | 44.9172 | 9.7206 | |
PIA | Piacenza | NDB | 44.8717 | 9.8267 | |
PIC | Picacho | NDB | 14.15 | -87.206 | |
PIE | Piedecuesta | NDB | 6.8776 | -73.0898 | |
PIH | Pocatello | VOR-DME | IDAHO | 42.8704 | -112.6522 |
PIK | Prestwick | NDB | 55.5061 | -4.5773 | |
PIM | Payam | NDB | 35.7618 | 50.8494 | |
PIM | Pine Mountain | NDB | GEORGIA | 32.8429 | -84.8727 |
PIM | Payam | VOR-DME | 35.762 | 50.8516 | |
PIN | Pisa | TACAN | 43.7203 | 10.4323 | |
PIN | Pamalican | NDB | 11.3554 | 120.725 | |
PIO | Pinon | VOR-DME | NEW MEXICO | 32.5292 | -105.3052 |
PIR | Pirkka | VOR-DME | 61.4099 | 23.5777 | |
PIR | Pierre | VORTAC | SOUTH DAKOTA | 44.3946 | -100.1628 |
PIS | Pisa | NDB | 43.5892 | 10.2971 | |
PIS | Pisa | VOR-DME | 43.6772 | 10.3906 | |
PIS | Pisarovina | NDB | 45.605 | 15.844 | |
PIT | Pingtung South | TACAN | 22.6707 | 120.46 | |
PIX | Pixian | VOR-DME | 34.315 | 117.98 | |
PIX | Picture Rocks | NDB | PENNSYLVANIA | 41.2771 | -76.7101 |
PIY | Pingelly | NDB | -32.5392 | 117.074 | |
PIZ | Point Lay | NDB | ALASKA | 69.7365 | -162.9963 |
PJ | Port St Johns | NDB | -31.6356 | 29.5503 | |
PJC | Pedro Juan Caballero | NDB | -22.6419 | -55.8333 | |
PK | Pulkovo | NDB | 59.81 | 30.15 | |
PK | Pathankot | NDB | 32.2405 | 75.6331 | |
PK | Pekan | NDB | 3.3831 | 103.423 | |
PK | Pevek | NDB | 69.8217 | 170.568 | |
PK | Pskov | NDB | 57.7383 | 28.37 | |
PK | Pleiku | NDB | 14.0067 | 108.009 | |
PK | Pardubice | NDB | 50.0111 | 15.813 | |
PKD | Park Rapids | DME | MINNESOTA | 46.8981 | -95.071 |
PKE | Parker | VORTAC | CALIFORNIA | 34.102 | -114.6821 |
PKF | Park Falls | NDB | WISCONSIN | 45.9532 | -90.4264 |
PKN | Pangkalan Bun | VOR-DME | -2.7265 | 111.696 | |
PKP | Pangkal Pinang | VOR-DME | -2.1568 | 106.14 | |
PKS | Parkes | VOR-DME | -33.1311 | 148.237 | |
PKS | Parkes | NDB | -33.1453 | 148.253 | |
PKT | Paracatu | NDB | -17.2172 | -46.9338 | |
PKU | Pekanbaru | VOR-DME | .4256 | 101.441 | |
PKZ | Pickens | NDB | FLORIDA | 30.4371 | -87.1784 |
PL | Phitsanulok | NDB | 16.796 | 100.276 | |
PL | Pulkovo | NDB | 59.7917 | 30.3733 | |
PL | Plaridel | NDB | 14.8818 | 120.851 | |
PL | Palma | NDB | 3.5999 | -76.3713 | |
PL | Pickle Lake | DME | 51.4431 | -90.2236 | |
PLA | Paya Lebar | TACAN | 1.3734 | 103.912 | |
PLA | Pula | NDB | 44.8892 | 13.7535 | |
PLB | Palembang | VOR-DME | -2.8786 | 104.653 | |
PLB | Pilanesberg | NDB | -25.3678 | 27.1974 | |
PLB | Plattsburgh | VORTAC | NEW YORK | 44.6849 | -73.5227 |
PLC | Port Lincoln | NDB | -34.6044 | 135.873 | |
PLE | Plenty | NDB | -37.7203 | 145.111 | |
PLG | Puerto Leguizamo | VOR-DME | -.1789 | -74.7754 | |
PLG | Pilanesberg | NDB | -25.3956 | 27.1218 | |
PLH | Paleochora | VOR-DME | 35.2276 | 23.6808 | |
PLL | Polo | VOR-DME | ILLINOIS | 41.9656 | -89.5242 |
PLN | Pellston | VORTAC | MICHIGAN | 45.6306 | -84.6641 |
PLO | Point Lookout | VOR | -30.4925 | 152.359 | |
PLO | Point Lookout | NDB | -30.4821 | 152.397 | |
PLP | Puerto Lempira | NDB | 15.2594 | -83.7786 | |
PLS | Plaisance | VOR-DME | -20.42 | 57.6623 | |
PLT | Platte Center | NDB | NEBRASKA | 41.4966 | -97.3818 |
PLX | Palestine | NDB | ILLINOIS | 39.0141 | -87.6416 |
PM | Palmerston North | VOR-DME | -40.3185 | 175.638 | |
PM | Pietermaritzburg | NDB | -29.6478 | 30.4004 | |
PM | Pechora | NDB | 65.1217 | 57.13 | |
PM | Palmerston North | NDB | -40.3243 | 175.621 | |
PM | Potou | NDB | 38.0833 | 116.55 | |
PMA | Pattimura | VOR-DME | -3.7148 | 128.087 | |
PMA | Prince Mohammad Bin Abdulaziz | VOR-DME | 24.5476 | 39.7052 | |
PMD | Palmdale | VORTAC | CALIFORNIA | 34.6314 | -118.0638 |
PMM | Pullman | VOR-DME | MICHIGAN | 42.466 | -86.1048 |
PMQ | Port Macquarie | NDB | -31.4356 | 152.867 | |
PMS | Palmas | VOR-DME | -10.2879 | -48.3584 | |
PMS | Palmas | NDB | -10.2907 | -48.3659 | |
PMV | Plattsmouth | NDB | NEBRASKA | 40.9438 | -95.9125 |
PMV | Pietermaritzburg | VOR-DME | -29.6478 | 30.4004 | |
PN | Port Menier | NDB | 49.8376 | -64.3863 | |
PN | Proserpine | NDB | -20.4892 | 148.559 | |
PN | Pangkalan Bun | NDB | -2.7062 | 111.667 | |
PN | Paysandu | NDB | -32.3627 | -58.0694 | |
PN | Ponca | NDB | OKLAHOMA | 36.825 | -97.1005 |
PN | Proserpine | VOR-DME | -20.4967 | 148.553 | |
PN | Pagadian | NDB | 7.8271 | 123.48 | |
PN | Palanga | NDB | 55.9564 | 21.0871 | |
PNA | Punta Cana | VOR-DME | 18.5673 | -68.3833 | |
PNB | Parnaiba | NDB | -2.8975 | -41.7288 | |
PNC | Porto Nacional | NDB | -10.7128 | -48.4022 | |
PNC | Porto Nacional | VOR-DME | -10.7207 | -48.4026 | |
PNG | Penang | NDB | 5.3263 | 100.302 | |
PNG | Paranagua | NDB | -25.5347 | -48.5308 | |
PNG | Piedras | VOR-DME | 28.6318 | -100.538 | |
PNH | Pinhais | NDB | -25.606 | -49.0897 | |
PNH | Panhandle | VORTAC | TEXAS | 35.2351 | -101.699 |
PNH | Phnom Penh | VOR-DME | 11.5467 | 104.842 | |
PNI | Pohnpei | NDB-DME | 6.9823 | 158.2021 | |
PNK | Pontianak | VOR-DME | -.0792 | 109.375 | |
PNK | Pinsk | VOR-DME | 52.1533 | 26.1317 | |
PNM | Princeton | NDB | MINNESOTA | 45.5647 | -93.6076 |
PNN | Princeton | DME | MAINE | 45.3292 | -67.7042 |
PNO | Piaseczno | NDB | 52.0535 | 21.0627 | |
PNP | Phnom Penh | NDB | 11.585 | 104.888 | |
PNT | Pontiac | VOR-DME | ILLINOIS | 40.8212 | -88.7335 |
PNT | Puerto Natales | VOR-DME | -51.735 | -72.4481 | |
PNV | Pilanesberg | VOR-DME | -25.3958 | 27.1227 | |
PNZ | Ponza | VORTAC | 40.9119 | 12.9575 | |
PNZ | Ponza | NDB | 40.9111 | 12.9561 | |
PO | Potiskum | VOR-DME | 11.705 | 11.0377 | |
PO | Pretoria | NDB | 52.25 | 54.3167 | |
PO | Pulkovo | NDB | 59.7817 | 30.35 | |
PO | Pune | NDB | 18.5843 | 73.9159 | |
POA | Pahoa | NDB | HAWAII | 19.5411 | -154.9722 |
POB | Pope | TACAN | NORTH CAROLINA | 35.1684 | -79.0196 |
POB | Pope | NDB | NORTH CAROLINA | 35.2268 | -78.9544 |
POD | Podgorica | VOR-DME | 42.3862 | 19.2546 | |
POD | Portland | NDB | -38.3144 | 141.473 | |
POD | Podgorica | NDB | 42.3886 | 19.2549 | |
POH | Pocahontas | NDB | IOWA | 42.7464 | -94.6492 |
POI | Potosi | NDB | -19.5485 | -65.7299 | |
POI | Poitiers | VOR | 46.581 | .2982 | |
POL | Pole Hill | VOR-DME | 53.7439 | -2.1033 | |
POM | Pomona | VORTAC | CALIFORNIA | 34.0784 | -117.7871 |
POM | Pomigliano | VOR-DME | 40.9282 | 14.3836 | |
POM | Pomigliano | NDB | 40.9286 | 14.3831 | |
PON | Pontoise | VOR | 49.0961 | 2.0359 | |
POP | Poptun | NDB | 16.325 | -89.4217 | |
POR | Pori | NDB | 61.5066 | 21.6695 | |
POR | Porto | NDB | 41.3481 | -8.7081 | |
POR | Porto Alegre | VOR-DME | -29.996 | -51.1652 | |
POS | Posadas | VOR-DME | -27.3856 | -55.9692 | |
POS | Piarco | VOR-DME | 10.4662 | -61.3919 | |
POS | Pollensa | VOR-DME | 39.9274 | 3.1146 | |
POT | Port Harcourt | VOR-DME | 5.0353 | 6.9602 | |
POU | Pingzhou | VOR-DME | 23.02 | 113.19 | |
POY | Powell | NDB | WYOMING | 44.8668 | -108.7863 |
POZ | Pozarevac | NDB | 44.6208 | 21.1477 | |
POZ | Poznan | NDB | 52.3981 | 16.9446 | |
PP | Paraparaumu | NDB-DME | -40.903 | 174.983 | |
PP | Pasir Pangarayan | NDB | .8328 | 100.369 | |
PP | Pecs-Pogany | NDB | 46.0058 | 18.2328 | |
PP | Paiol | NDB | -22.8702 | -43.1652 | |
PP | Pororoca | NDB | -16.1438 | -48.8938 | |
PPA | Puerto Plata | NDB | 19.7524 | -70.5703 | |
PPA | Pampa | NDB | TEXAS | 35.6127 | -100.9919 |
PPB | Port Blair | VOR-DME | 11.6497 | 92.7472 | |
PPC | Prospect | NDB | ALASKA | 66.8188 | -150.6329 |
PPE | Penasco | VOR-DME | 31.3674 | -113.3023 | |
PPG | Perpignan | VOR-DME | 42.7505 | 2.8671 | |
PPM | Phillips | VOR-DME | MARYLAND | 39.4667 | -76.1709 |
PPN | Pamplona | VOR-DME | 42.7337 | -1.702 | |
PPN | Popayan | NDB | 2.4497 | -76.6142 | |
PPR | Pointe A Pitre | VOR-DME | 16.2652 | -61.5401 | |
PPT | Patna | VOR-DME | 25.5904 | 85.0899 | |
PPV | Polokwane | VOR-DME | -23.8398 | 29.4606 | |
PQ | Phuquoc | NDB | 10.2236 | 103.962 | |
PQI | Presque Isle | VOR-DME | MAINE | 46.7742 | -68.0945 |
PR | Phrae | NDB | 18.1295 | 100.161 | |
PR | Prince Rupert | NDB | 54.2634 | -130.4239 | |
PR | Puerto Princesa | NDB | 9.7371 | 118.754 | |
PR | Principe | NDB | 1.666 | 7.4124 | |
PR | Porbandar | NDB | 21.6412 | 69.6626 | |
PR | Parit Buntar | NDB | 4.9633 | 100.618 | |
PR | Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky | NDB | 53.1133 | 158.49 | |
PR | Peredovaya | NDB | 44.1167 | 41.4667 | |
PR | Paro | NDB | 27.4003 | 89.4154 | |
PR | Puerto Princesa | VOR-DME | 9.7413 | 118.753 | |
PRA | Pratica Di Mare | NDB | 41.6797 | 12.4528 | |
PRA | Praia | NDB | 14.9226 | -23.4962 | |
PRA | Praslin | VOR-DME | -4.3074 | 55.7071 | |
PRA | Pratapgarh | VOR-DME | 24.0371 | 74.7439 | |
PRB | Paso Robles | VORTAC | CALIFORNIA | 35.6725 | -120.6271 |
PRC | Prescott | VOT | ARIZONA | 34.6517 | -112.4214 |
PRE | Parer | NDB | -9.3267 | 147.14 | |
PRF | Piet Retief | NDB | -26.9399 | 30.7701 | |
PRG | Paraguana | NDB | 11.7769 | -70.1392 | |
PRG | Persian Gulf | NDB | 27.3932 | 52.725 | |
PRG | Paraguana | VOR-DME | 11.7834 | -70.1334 | |
PRI | Perrine | NDB | MISSOURI | 37.7639 | -90.4287 |
PRI | Parintins | VOR-DME | -2.6673 | -56.7731 | |
PRI | Previk | VOR-DME | 61.4646 | 21.7959 | |
PRI | Pristina | NDB | 42.7286 | 21.0182 | |
PRL | Parkerville | NDB | -31.8594 | 116.118 | |
PRM | Paramillo | NDB | 7.8031 | -72.1998 | |
PRN | Parnu | VOR-DME | 58.4166 | 24.466 | |
PRO | Paro | VOR | 27.3 | 89.5 | |
PRR | Prudente | VOR-DME | -22.1727 | -51.4257 | |
PRR | Prudente | NDB | -22.1833 | -51.3752 | |
PRT | Peretola | VOR-DME | 43.8104 | 11.2015 | |
PRT | Porto | VOR-DME | 41.2731 | -8.6878 | |
PRT | Pristina | VOR-DME | 42.5725 | 21.0314 | |
PRU | Perugia | VOR-DME | 43.1017 | 12.5119 | |
PRX | Paris | VOR-DME | TEXAS | 33.5424 | -95.4483 |
PS | Peshawar | NDB | 33.9958 | 71.5044 | |
PS | Pakse | NDB | 15.1306 | 105.784 | |
PS | Peshawar | VOR-DME | 33.9754 | 71.5172 | |
PS0 | Pump Station 10 | NDB | 24.1 | 41.0367 | |
PS3 | Pump Station 3 | NDB | 25.1683 | 47.4965 | |
PS6 | Pump Station 6 | NDB | 24.7 | 44.9683 | |
PS9 | Pump Station 9 | NDB | 24.25 | 42.1333 | |
PSA | Prince Sultan | VORTAC | 24.0739 | 47.5833 | |
PSB | Philipsburg | VORTAC | PENNSYLVANIA | 40.9163 | -77.9927 |
PSC | Pasco | VOR-DME | WASHINGTON | 46.2703 | -119.1173 |
PSD | Port Sudan | VOR-DME | 19.4012 | 37.2417 | |
PSD | Port Sudan | NDB | 19.4225 | 37.2421 | |
PSD | Port Said | VOR-DME | 31.2788 | 32.2378 | |
PSE | Ponce | DME | PUERTO RICO | 17.9924 | -66.5192 |
PSI | Pontiac | DME | MICHIGAN | 42.7009 | -83.5328 |
PSK | Pulaski | VORTAC | VIRGINIA | 37.0877 | -80.7129 |
PSK | Pisek | DME | 49.7975 | 14.0347 | |
PSL | Phitsanulok | VOR-DME | 16.7704 | 100.291 | |
PSL | Phitsanulok | TACAN | 16.7914 | 100.275 | |
PSM | Pease | DME | NEW HAMPSHIRE | 43.0845 | -70.832 |
PSN | Palestine | NDB | TEXAS | 31.7807 | -95.7008 |
PSN | Piracununga | VOR-DME | -21.9845 | -47.3442 | |
PSN | Piracununga | NDB | -21.986 | -47.3375 | |
PSO | Pasto | VOR-DME | 1.398 | -77.2899 | |
PSO | Pasto | NDB | 1.3949 | -77.2892 | |
PSP | Presidencia Roque Saenz Pena | NDB | -26.7472 | -60.4861 | |
PSP | Palm Springs | VORTAC | CALIFORNIA | 33.87 | -116.4298 |
PSS | Prosser | NDB | NEBRASKA | 40.6863 | -98.4775 |
PST | Porto Santo | NDB | 33.0686 | -16.3583 | |
PSV | Potchefstroom | VOR-DME | -26.6733 | 27.0933 | |
PSX | Palacios | VORTAC | TEXAS | 28.7644 | -96.3062 |
PSZ | Puerto Suarez | NDB | -18.9819 | -57.8184 | |
PT | Putao | NDB | 27.3206 | 97.4378 | |
PT | Petropavlovsk | NDB | 54.7925 | 69.2536 | |
PT | Pattani | NDB | 6.7885 | 101.148 | |
PTA | Puerto Plata | VOR-DME | 19.7593 | -70.5704 | |
PTB | Pusztaszabolcs | VOR-DME | 47.1522 | 18.7423 | |
PTB | Pusztaszabolcs | NDB | 47.1525 | 18.7428 | |
PTC | Porto Colom | NDB | 39.4273 | 3.2567 | |
PTC | Puerto Carreno | VOR-DME | 6.1817 | -67.496 | |
PTD | Potsdam | NDB | NEW YORK | 44.7234 | -74.8827 |
PTE | Portete | NDB | 12.2231 | -71.9711 | |
PTG | Podkamennaya Tunguska | VOR-DME | 61.5983 | 89.99 | |
PTH | Perth | VOR | 56.4425 | -3.3686 | |
PTJ | Pasteje | VOR-DME | 19.6457 | -99.798 | |
PTK | Pyeongtaek | VOR-DME | 36.9678 | 127.021 | |
PTL | Petrolina | NDB | -9.3677 | -40.5675 | |
PTL | Petrolina | VOR-DME | -9.3632 | -40.5613 | |
PTM | Perito Moreno | NDB | -46.5364 | -70.9861 | |
PTN | Portoviejo | NDB | -1.0461 | -80.4683 | |
PTN | Pathein | NDB | 16.8013 | 94.78 | |
PTN | Patterson | NDB | LOUISIANA | 29.7146 | -91.3367 |
PTN | Pathein | VOR-DME | 16.8146 | 94.7767 | |
PTP | Pointe A Pitre | NDB | 16.2836 | -61.6309 | |
PTP | Ponta Pora | NDB | -22.5502 | -55.7072 | |
PTS | Pelotas | VOR | -31.7192 | -52.3273 | |
PTS | Pittsburg | NDB | KANSAS | 37.4425 | -94.7266 |
PTS | Pelotas | NDB | -31.7135 | -52.3307 | |
PTT | Pratt | NDB | KANSAS | 37.7263 | -98.7471 |
PTV | Pithiviers | VOR | 48.1556 | 2.2648 | |
PTW | Pottstown | VORTAC | PENNSYLVANIA | 40.2222 | -75.5603 |
PTZ | Pastaza | NDB | -1.5162 | -78.0433 | |
PU | Pulkovo | NDB | 59.8217 | 30.175 | |
PU | Phuket | NDB | 8.1017 | 98.3062 | |
PU | Pietermaritzburg | NDB | -29.6613 | 30.4098 | |
PU | Papa Uniform | VOR-DME | 1.4233 | 103.933 | |
PUB | Pueblo | VORTAC | COLORADO | 38.2943 | -104.4294 |
PUD | Pudong | VOR-DME | 31.1683 | 121.78 | |
PUF | Puff | NDB | IOWA | 43.3515 | -94.7378 |
PUL | Pula | VOR-DME | 44.8924 | 13.9181 | |
PUL | Pucallpa | VOR-DME | -8.3758 | -74.5722 | |
PUN | Pune | VOR-DME | 18.5797 | 73.9142 | |
PUT | Putnam | VOR-DME | CONNECTICUT | 41.9555 | -71.8441 |
PUT | Phuket | VOR-DME | 8.1152 | 98.3063 | |
PUW | Pullman | VOR-DME | WASHINGTON | 46.6742 | -117.2235 |
PV | Providenciales | NDB | 21.7777 | -72.2606 | |
PVC | Provincetown | NDB | MASSACHUSETTS | 42.0688 | -70.2234 |
PVD | Providence | VOR-DME | RHODE ISLAND | 41.7243 | -71.4296 |
PVD | Providence | VOT | RHODE ISLAND | 41.7236 | -71.4267 |
PVH | Porto Velho | VOR-DME | -8.714 | -63.9033 | |
PVH | Porto Velho | NDB | -8.7077 | -63.8983 | |
PVJ | Pauls Valley | NDB | OKLAHOMA | 34.7154 | -97.2289 |
PVN | Providenciales | VOR-DME | 21.7722 | -72.266 | |
PVO | Porvoo | VOR-DME | 60.2944 | 25.5885 | |
PVQ | Put River | NDB | ALASKA | 70.2227 | -148.4162 |
PVU | Provo | VOR-DME | UTAH | 40.2149 | -111.7213 |
PVW | Plainview | VOR-DME | TEXAS | 34.0862 | -101.7902 |
PW | Pavlivka | NDB | 47.7482 | 37.2234 | |
PW | Prestwick | NDB | 55.5444 | -4.6816 | |
PW | Phalaborwa | NDB | -23.9174 | 31.1539 | |
PW | Purwakarta | NDB | -6.5667 | 107.45 | |
PW | Pavlodar | NDB | 52.2279 | 77.1237 | |
PWC | Pine River | NDB | MINNESOTA | 46.727 | -94.385 |
PWD | Plentywood | NDB | MONTANA | 48.7886 | -104.5306 |
PWE | Pawnee City | DME | NEBRASKA | 40.2004 | -96.2063 |
PWL | Puerto Williams | VOR-DME | -54.9292 | -67.62 | |
PWL | Pawling | VOR-DME | NEW YORK | 41.7698 | -73.6006 |
PWM | Portland | VOT | MAINE | 43.647 | -70.3078 |
PX | Perm | NDB | 57.95 | 56.09 | |
PXN | Panoche | VORTAC | CALIFORNIA | 36.7155 | -120.7787 |
PXR | Phoenix | VORTAC | ARIZONA | 33.433 | -111.9702 |
PXT | Patuxent | VORTAC | MARYLAND | 38.2879 | -76.4002 |
PXV | Pocket City | VORTAC | INDIANA | 37.9283 | -87.7624 |
PY | Port Moresby | VOR-DME | -9.453 | 147.215 | |
PY | Port Moresby | NDB | -9.4611 | 147.233 | |
PY | Penrhyn | NDB | -8.9942 | -158.044 | |
PY | Plettenberg Bay | NDB | -34.0905 | 23.326 | |
PY | Plymouth | NDB | 50.4244 | -4.1123 | |
PYA | Penn Yan | NDB | NEW YORK | 42.644 | -77.0562 |
PYC | Pitsand | NDB | ALASKA | 70.328 | -149.6353 |
PYE | Point Reyes | VOR-DME | CALIFORNIA | 38.0798 | -122.8678 |
PYF | Pyramid | NDB | TEXAS | 31.8627 | -96.1975 |
PYG | Pageland | NDB | SOUTH CAROLINA | 34.7451 | -80.3388 |
PYX | Perryton | NDB | TEXAS | 36.4123 | -100.7477 |
PZ | Pietermaritzburg | NDB | -29.7056 | 30.4495 | |
PZ | Portoroz | NDB | 45.4775 | 13.6149 | |
PZA | Puerto Esperanza | NDB | -9.755 | -70.7383 | |
PZA | Puerto Esperanza | VOR | -9.7691 | -70.7051 | |
PZA | Puerto Cabezas | VOR-DME | 14.0452 | -83.3883 | |
PZD | Pecan | VOR-DME | GEORGIA | 31.6552 | -84.2931 |
PZO | Peebles | NDB | OHIO | 38.9212 | -83.3269 |
QD | Petrozavodsk | NDB | 61.94 | 34.2067 | |
QH | Pechora | NDB | 65.1217 | 57.13 | |
R | Parnu | NDB | 58.4358 | 24.4959 | |
R5 | Pukatawagan | NDB | 55.7492 | -101.261 | |
RA | Paser | NDB | WISCONSIN | 42.6825 | -87.8995 |
RC | Parnu | NDB | 58.4908 | 24.5716 | |
RE | Pyeongtaek | NDB | 36.9615 | 127.03 | |
RN | Penza | NDB | 53.11 | 45.0233 | |
ROM | Priest | VOR | CALIFORNIA | 36.1404 | -120.6649 |
RP | Petropavlovsk | NDB | 54.7833 | 69.1833 | |
RVJ | Prison | NDB | GEORGIA | 32.0577 | -82.1523 |
SB | Petis | NDB | CALIFORNIA | 34.0565 | -117.3661 |
SCO | Pisco | VOR-DME | -13.7389 | -76.2131 | |
SCO | Pisco | NDB | -13.7367 | -76.2189 | |
SE | Pollk | NDB | ALABAMA | 32.2698 | -86.9276 |
SGR | Porto Seguro | NDB | -16.4417 | -39.0825 | |
SIS | Puerto Asis | NDB | .5517 | -76.5014 | |
SIX | Pinang Sore | VOR-DME | 1.5523 | 98.8914 | |
SJ | Patty | NDB | PUERTO RICO | 18.4089 | -66.0896 |
SK | Pinang Sore | NDB | 1.555 | 98.8903 | |
SLP | Potosi | VOR-DME | 22.2564 | -100.93 | |
SNT | Praia | VOR-DME | 14.9391 | -23.4821 | |
SNT | Porto Santo | VOR-DME | 33.0903 | -16.3506 | |
SP | Pierrefonds/Etang | NDB | -21.2776 | 55.3623 | |
SQ | Pnthr | NDB | INDIANA | 39.7771 | -85.1299 |
SR | Pavlovsk | NDB | 53.3 | 83 | |
SR | Podor | NDB | 16.6493 | -14.9665 | |
SRI | Pribilof | NDB-DME | ALASKA | 56.5719 | -169.6476 |
SSJ | Palma De Mallorca | TACAN | 39.5597 | 2.7332 | |
ST | Peste | NDB | VIRGIN ISLANDS | 17.6919 | -64.8847 |
STN | Prince Sultan | TACAN | 24.0696 | 47.5817 | |
STO | Porto Santo | TACAN | 33.0753 | -16.3657 | |
SX | Peste | NDB | 17.6919 | -64.8847 | |
SX | Pugus | NDB | 38.8433 | 68.84 | |
TEP | Puerto Montt | NDB | -41.4378 | -73.0872 | |
TPR | Pratica Di Mare | TACAN | 41.6216 | 12.4938 | |
TRI | Piarco | NDB | 10.5951 | -61.4223 | |
TUT | Pago Pago | NDB | AMERICAN SAMOA | -14.3321 | -170.7195 |
TUT | Pago Pago | VORTAC | AMERICAN SAMOA | -14.3326 | -170.7083 |
UN | Penue | NDB | PENNSYLVANIA | 40.9102 | -77.7417 |
UNO | Pomona | NDB | MISSOURI | 36.878 | -91.901 |
UPB | Playa Baracoa | VOR | 23.0233 | -82.5817 | |
UPB | Playa Baracoa | NDB | 23.0232 | -82.5807 | |
URA | Piura | VOR-DME | -5.21 | -80.6161 | |
URA | Piura | NDB | -5.2117 | -80.6172 | |
UT | Pohang | NDB | 35.9783 | 129.418 | |
VPG | Penang | VOR-DME | 5.2796 | 100.26 | |
VPT | Pulau Tioman | VOR-DME | 2.9109 | 104.101 | |
VR | Parduc | NDB | 47.168 | 17.6044 | |
VSJ | Punta San Juan | VOR-DME | 11.1706 | -68.4162 | |
W7 | Pabok (Du Rocher-Perce) | NDB | 48.3817 | -64.5639 | |
WH | Penza | NDB | 53.1169 | 45.0167 | |
WK | Pyongyang | NDB | 39.3222 | 125.677 | |
WL | Pavlodar | NDB | 52.1618 | 77.0244 | |
WN | Poliarny | NDB | 66.37 | 112.067 | |
WW | Palembang | NDB | -2.9053 | 104.716 | |
XK | Pingzhou | NDB | 23.02 | 113.19 | |
XO | Petrozavodsk | NDB | 61.82 | 34.0983 | |
XS | Prince George | NDB | 53.8283 | -122.654 | |
XYF | Penticton | DME | 49.4525 | -119.604 | |
YDC | Princeton | VORTAC | 49.3816 | -120.3737 | |
YIO | Pond Inlet | NDB | 72.6931 | -77.9508 | |
YPA | Prince Albert | VOR-DME | 53.2167 | -105.667 | |
YPC | Paulatuk | NDB | 69.3508 | -124.075 | |
YPE | Peace River | VOR-DME | 56.2069 | -117.512 | |
YPG | Portage | VOR-DME | 49.8997 | -98.2673 | |
YPK | Pitt Meadows Bc | VOR | 49.2167 | -122.715 | |
YPL | Pickle Lake | NDB | 51.442 | -90.2223 | |
YPO | Peawanuck | NDB | 54.9912 | -85.443 | |
YPP | Parent Que | NDB | 47.8894 | -74.6722 | |
YPQ | Peterborough | NDB | 44.2131 | -78.4581 | |
YPW | Powell River | NDB | 49.8367 | -124.501 | |
YPX | Puvirnituq Que | DME | 60.0436 | -77.2795 | |
YPX | Puvirnituq | NDB | 60.0439 | -77.2794 | |
YTA | Pembroke | NDB | 45.8028 | -77.2192 | |
YTP | Pearson | VOR-DME | 43.6717 | -79.6642 | |
YWA | Petawawa | NDB | 45.8948 | -77.2717 | |
YXP | Pangnirtung | NDB | 66.1439 | -65.7061 | |
YXS | Prince George | VOR-DME | 53.8942 | -122.456 | |
YYF | Penticton | NDB | 49.4878 | -119.601 | |
YZT | Port Hardy | VOR-DME | 50.6845 | -127.366 | |
YZT | Port Hardy | VORTAC | 50.6842 | -127.365 | |
ZG | Petrovskoye | NDB | 51.7167 | 40.1833 | |
ZPG | Pegasus | TACAN | -77.9549 | 166.513 | |
ZT | Port Hardy | NDB | 50.6994 | -127.4256 | |
ZYQ | Polarbear | NDB | 58.7742 | -94.177 |