Latitude: |
35-10-03.7530N (35.167709) |
Longitude: |
099-39-28.1020W (-99.657806) |
Elevation: |
1937.2 feet MSL (590 m MSL) |
Magnetic Variation: |
4.3 E (as of February 2025 from WMM2020 model) |
Time Zone: |
UTC -6.0 (Standard Time) UTC -5.0 (Daylight Savings Time) |
From City: |
07 N.M. S of Sayre, Oklahoma |
Found On: |
Dallas-Ft Worth Chart |
FAA Region: |
Manager: |
Publicly owned: |
GUY HYLTON 102 W. MAIN, 12714 N. 1860 RD. SAYRE, OK 73662 580-928-8260 |
CITY OF SAYRE 102 W MAIN SAYRE, OK 73662 580-928-2260 |
Airport Status: |
Operational |
Facility Use: |
Public |
Type: |
Airport |
Activation Date: |
11/1946 |
Control tower: |
No |
Attendance (Months/Days/Hours): |
Months/Days/Hours Unattended |
Boundary ARTCC: |
ZFW (Fort Worth) |
Responsible ARTCC: |
ZFW (Fort Worth) |
Lighting Schedule: |
Segmented Circle Indicator: |
No |
Traffic Pattern Altitude (MSL): |
2937 feet (895 m) |
NOTAMs Facility: |
NOTAM-D Service: |
Yes |
International Airport of Entry: |
No |
Customs Landing Rights: |
No |
Military Landing Rights: |
Yes |
Civil/Military Joint Use: |
No |
Based Aircraft
Annual Operations (as of )
CTAF: | 122.900 |
Fixed Based Operators (FBOs) & Fuel
(Click on a business for detail)
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Please help us keep this information up to date. This is a FREE SERVICE just like everything else on Airport Guide! If you see that a business needs to be added, modified, or deleted please fill out our Update Form.
Area Code: 580 |
Business Name | Frequency | Phone | Fuel Grade |
Sayer Municipal
Update FBO info |
Unicom 122.9 | 928-3394, -5240 | 100LL |
Flight Service Stations
Primary | Alternate | |
FSS on Field: | N | |
FSS Name (ID): | Mc Alester(MLC) | |
Frequency: | ||
Toll Free Phone: | 1-800-WX-BRIEF |
Instrument Procedures / Charts
Terminal Procedures are only available for airports in several countries with more being added all the time. If you are looking for a specific country's charts, please send an email to support(at)airportguide.com stating the country name. This will be used to prioritize the implementation.
Navigation Aids (Navaids) near 3O4
Dist (NM) | ID | Morse Code | Name | Type | Freq | True Hdg | Mag Hdg |
10.7 | SYO | . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ | Sayre | VORTAC | 115.20 | 5 | 1 |
22.5 | BFV | _ . . . . . _ . . . . _ | Burns Flat | VORTAC | 110.00 | 79 | 75 |
28.1 | BZ | _ . . . _ _ . . | Fossi | NDB | 393 | 52 | 48 |
34.3 | HBR | . . . . _ . . . . _ . | Hobart | VORTAC | 111.80 | 121 | 117 |
35.8 | LTS | . _ . . _ . . . | Altus | VORTAC | 109.80 | 147 | 143 |
57.1 | CDS | _ . _ . _ . . . . . | Childress | VORTAC | 117.00 | 213 | 209 |
65.9 | OFZ | _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ . . | Trail | NDB | 388 | 110 | 106 |
65.9 | FSI | . . _ . . . . . . | Trail | FAN MARKER | 110 | 106 | |
70.2 | PFL | . _ _ . . . _ . . _ . . | Post | NDB | 425 | 118 | 114 |
70.5 | PPA | . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ | Pampa | NDB | 368 | 292 | 287 |
71.4 | MMB | _ _ _ _ _ . . . | Mitbee | VORTAC | 115.60 | 351 | 347 |
73.4 | LAW | . _ . . . _ . _ _ | Lawton | VOR-DME | 116.85 | 122 | 118 |
82.3 | MDF | _ _ _ . . . . _ . | Mooreland | NDB | 284 | 15 | 11 |
88.2 | SPS | . . . . _ _ . . . . | Wichita Falls | VORTAC | 112.70 | 143 | 139 |
89.4 | IFI | . . . . _ . . . | Kingfisher | TACAN | 114.70 | 64 | 60 |
89.9 | GTH | _ _ . _ . . . . | Guthrie | DME | 114.5 | 202 | 198 |
91.6 | PYX | . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ | Perryton | NDB | 266 | 324 | 319 |
91.6 | SHP | . . . . . . . . _ _ . | Sheppard | TACAN | 110.80 | 140 | 136 |
92.6 | BGD | _ . . . _ _ . _ . . | Borger | TACAN | 108.60 | 294 | 289 |
96.0 | ICF | . . _ . _ . . . _ . | Madison | NDB | 296 | 141 | 137 |
Nearby Airports with Fuel
Notices to Airmen (NOTAMS)
A110-1 | FOR CD CTC FORT WORTH ARTCC AT 817-858-7584. |
A81-APT | ACTVT MIRL RWY 17/35 - CTAF. |
Runway Summary
Runways: | 17/35 |
Longest Runway: | 17/35 is 4276 ft (1303 m) long |
Runways with an Instrument Approach: |
3O4 Airport Runway Details
Runway 17/35 | 4276 ft x 130 ft (1303 m x 40 m) | |
Runway Length Source: | ADO as of 11/01/2017 | |
Surface: | Concrete - Good condition - No special surface treatment | |
Runway Edge Lights: | Medium Intensity | |
Runway Weight Bearing Capacity (in thousands of pounds) |
Single Wheel Landing Gear: | 30.0 |
Runway 17 |
Runway 35 |
Elevation: |
1909.8 | 1937.2 |
Latitude: |
35-10-24.8972N | 35-09-42.6097N |
Longitude: |
099-39-27.9274W | 099-39-28.2768W |
Runway True Alignment: |
180 | 360 |
Glide Path Angle: |
3.0 degrees | 3.0 degrees |
Traffic Pattern: |
Left | Left |
Runway Markings Type: |
Basic | Basic |
Runway Markings Condition: |
Good | Good |
Visual Glide Slope Indicators: |
2-Light PAPI On Left Side Of Runway | 2-Light PAPI On Left Side Of Runway |
Threshold Crossing Height: |
41 | 45 |
Fuel Available: |
100LL |
Landing Fees: |
No |
Parking: |
Hangars and tiedowns available |
Maps & Diagrams
3O4 Sectional
Flight Planning
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