Latitude: |
40-50-05.3590N (40.834822) |
Longitude: |
074-09-09.5170W (-74.152644) |
Elevation: |
210.0 feet MSL (64 m MSL) |
Magnetic Variation: |
12.5 W (as of February 2025 from WMM2020 model) |
Time Zone: |
UTC -5.0 (Standard Time) UTC -4.0 (Daylight Savings Time) |
From City: |
00 N.M. E of Clifton, New Jersey |
Found On: |
New York Chart |
FAA Region: |
Manager: |
Privately owned: |
Airport Status: |
Operational |
Facility Use: |
Private |
Type: |
Heliport |
Control tower: |
No |
Attendance (Months/Days/Hours): |
Months/Days/Hours Unattended |
Boundary ARTCC: |
ZNY (New York) |
Responsible ARTCC: |
ZNY (New York) |
Segmented Circle Indicator: |
Yes |
Traffic Pattern Altitude (MSL): |
1210 feet (369 m) |
NOTAM-D Service: |
No |
Based Aircraft
Annual Operations (as of )
Fixed Based Operators (FBOs) & Fuel
(Click on a business for detail)
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Please help us keep this information up to date. This is a FREE SERVICE just like everything else on Airport Guide! If you see that a business needs to be added, modified, or deleted please fill out our Update Form.
Area Code: 201 |
Business Name | Frequency | Phone | Fuel Grade |
Flight Service Stations
Primary | Alternate | |
FSS on Field: | N | |
FSS Name (ID): | Millville(MIV) | |
Frequency: | ||
Toll Free Phone: | 1-800-WX-BRIEF |
Instrument Procedures / Charts
Terminal Procedures are only available for airports in several countries with more being added all the time. If you are looking for a specific country's charts, please send an email to support(at)airportguide.com stating the country name. This will be used to prioritize the implementation.
Navigation Aids (Navaids) near NJ26
Dist (NM) | ID | Morse Code | Name | Type | Freq | True Hdg | Mag Hdg |
2.0 | TE | _ . | Torby | NDB | 214 | 153 | 166 |
4.2 | TEB | _ . _ . . . | Teterboro | VOR-DME | 108.40 | 78 | 91 |
8.0 | EWR | . . _ _ . _ . | Maryann | FAN MARKER | 191 | 204 | |
9.7 | EWR | . . _ _ . _ . | Newark | DME | 113.75 | 186 | 199 |
13.3 | LGA | . _ . . _ _ . . _ | La Guardia | VOR-DME | 113.10 | 103 | 116 |
13.8 | CAT | _ . _ . . _ _ | Chatham | NDB | 254 | 245 | 257 |
17.8 | CRI | _ . _ . . _ . . . | Canarsie | VOR-DME | 112.30 | 138 | 151 |
20.2 | OGY | _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ | Bridge | NDB | 414 | 142 | 155 |
21.1 | JFK | . _ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ | Kennedy | VOR-DME | 115.90 | 124 | 137 |
22.4 | SAX | . . . . _ _ . . _ | Sparta | VORTAC | 115.70 | 308 | 320 |
30.5 | BWZ | _ . . . . _ _ _ _ . . | Broadway | VOR-DME | 114.20 | 266 | 278 |
30.6 | FR | . . _ . . _ . | Frikk | NDB | 407 | 96 | 109 |
30.8 | SBJ | . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ | Solberg | VOR-DME | 112.90 | 240 | 252 |
31.4 | COL | _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . . | Colts Neck | VOR-DME | 115.40 | 180 | 192 |
33.9 | STW | . . . _ . _ _ | Stillwater | VOR-DME | 109.60 | 286 | 298 |
36.3 | BBN | _ . . . _ . . . _ . | Babylon | NDB | 275 | 105 | 118 |
37.2 | CMK | _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ | Carmel | VOR-DME | 116.60 | 43 | 56 |
38.6 | DPK | _ . . . _ _ . _ . _ | Deer Park | VOR-DME | 117.70 | 93 | 106 |
39.2 | SW | . . . . _ _ | Neely | NDB | 335 | 355 | 368 |
39.8 | HUO | . . . . . . _ _ _ _ | Huguenot | VOR-DME | 116.10 | 330 | 342 |
Nearby Airports with Fuel
Notices to Airmen (NOTAMS)
A110-1 | FOR CD CTC NEW YORK APCH AT 800-645-3206. |
Runway Summary
Runways: | H1 |
Longest Runway: | H1 is 100 ft (30 m) long |
Runways with an Instrument Approach: |
NJ26 Airport Runway Details
Helipad H1 | 100 ft x 100 ft (30 m x 30 m) | |
Surface: | Asphalt - Fair condition - No special surface treatment |
Helipad H1 |
Elevation: |
210.0 | |
Latitude: |
40-50-05.3590N | |
Longitude: |
074-09-09.5170W | |
Glide Path Angle: |
0.0 degrees | 0.0 degrees |
Traffic Pattern: |
Left | |
Runway Markings Type: |
None | |
Runway Markings Condition: |
Fair |
Airframe Repair: |
Major |
Powerplant Repair: |
Major |
Bottled Oxygen: |
None |
Bulk Oxygen: |
None |
Fuel Available: |
100LL |
Parking: |
Tiedowns available |
Maps & Diagrams
NJ26 Sectional
Flight Planning
at skyvector.com
at skyvector.com