Navaid Facility ID: | JER |
Official Navaid Facility ID: | |
Navaid Facility Type: | NDB |
Navaid Name: | Jerez |
City: | |
State: | |
FAA Region: | |
Latitude: | 36-50-04.20N (36.8345) |
Longitude: | 06-00-58.32W (-6.0162) |
Lat/Long Survey Accuracy: | |
Owner: | |
Operator: | |
Common System Usage: | |
Public Use: | |
Navaid Class: | |
Hours of Operation: | |
Magnetic Variance: | 0.2 W as of 10/17/2024 |
ARTCC High Altitude ID (Name): | () |
ARTCC Low Altitude ID (Name): | () |