Monday 8 July 2024
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Monday 8 July 2024     UTC:   Local:

Hotels, Motels, and Resorts near YIVE Airport

Pet Friendly Rating Miles from YIVE Airport Price
no Venus Escapes 7.2 250.00 AUD
yes Opal Motel 14.6 85.00 AUD
yes Leongatha Motel 15.1 105.00 AUD
no Meeniyan Motel 15.2 84.00 AUD
no The Island Accommodation 21.4 30.00 AUD
no Cliff Top 26.7 235.00 AUD
no Ramada Resort Phillip Island 28.4 118.00 AUD
no Silver Waters Bed & Breakfast 28.4 180.00 AUD
yes Woodbyne Cottages 28.6 150.00 AUD
no Seahorse Motel 28.7 120.00 AUD
no Comfort Resort Kaloha Phillip Island 28.7 145.00 AUD
no The Avenue Apartments 28.7 175.00 AUD
no Comfort Resort Kaloha 28.8 131.00 AUD
no The Castle - Villa by the Sea 28.8 195.00 AUD
no Genesta House Bed & Breakfast 28.8 170.00 AUD
yes Coachman Motel 28.8 128.00 AUD
no Cottages for Two 29.0 189.00 AUD
no Central Cowes Family Townhouses 29.0 235.00 AUD
yes Amaroo Park 29.0 37.00 AUD
no Warley by Pier & Sea 29.1 0.00 AUD
yes Promhills Cabins 29.1 125.00 AUD
no Phillip Island Cottages 29.2 140.00 AUD
no Tropicana Motor Inn 29.2 119.00 AUD
no Phillip Island Surf and Circuit Accommodation 30.1 225.00 AUD
no Hilltop Apartments Phillip Island 30.6 165.00 AUD
Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.

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