Monday 8 July 2024
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Monday 8 July 2024     UTC:   Local:

Hotels, Motels, and Resorts near UWWG Airport

Pet Friendly Rating Miles from UWWG Airport Price
yes Matreshka Plaza 2.4 2000.00 RUB
yes Business Hotel City 2.7 2500.00 RUB
yes Hotel Complex La Mezon 3.6 1800.00 RUB
yes Hotel Sovetskaya 3.6 680.00 RUB
no Residence Troya Hotel 3.7 2600.00 RUB
yes Voyage Hall Apartment 5.4 3000.00 RUB
no Dubki Hotel 5.4 0.00 RUB
yes Chetyre Sezona 5.4 2000.00 RUB
yes Oktyabrskaya Hotel 5.6 1050.00 RUB
yes Laska Hotel Complex 5.7 2700.00 RUB
yes Start Hotel 5.9 680.00 RUB
no Piramida Hotel 5.9 3000.00 RUB
no Hotel Green Line Samara 6.0 1530.00 RUB
yes Hotel Brown 6.0 1800.00 RUB
yes Renaissance Samara Hotel 6.0 3540.00 RUB
yes Art-Hotel 6.0 1800.00 RUB
yes BarasaHouseVIP 6.1 14000.00 RUB
yes Ibis Samara 6.1 2250.00 RUB
no Villa Classic Hotel 6.1 2000.00 RUB
no Samara Private Apartments 6.1 1299.00 RUB
yes Hostel 359 6.2 1199.00 RUB
no Ost West Park Hotel 6.4 3000.00 RUB
yes Hotel Life 6.7 2500.00 RUB
yes Moya Hotel 6.7 2400.00 RUB
no Meridian Hotel 6.7 2800.00 RUB
Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.

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