Monday 8 July 2024
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Monday 8 July 2024     UTC:   Local:

Hotels, Motels, and Resorts near UMNV Airport

Pet Friendly Rating Miles from UMNV Airport Price
yes Apartamenty Carskie 22.5 360.00 PLN
yes Hotel Bia owieski 22.7 187.00 PLN
yes Dw 23.7 198.00 PLN
yes Best Western Hotel Zubrowka 23.9 319.00 EUR
yes Dworek Gawra 23.9 90.00 PLN
yes Ostoja 24.0 90.00 PLN
yes Apartamenty Galeria Trunk 24.1 178.00 PLN
yes Domek Jask 24.2 80.00 PLN
yes Apartamenty i Galeria Kresy 26.1 180.00 PLN
no Energiya Hotel 34.0 55.00 USD
no Zajazd Wrota Lasu 34.7 105.00 PLN
no Zajazd Bartnik 34.9 80.00 PLN
yes Rynkauka Tourist Complex 42.0 70.00 USD
no Click Apartment 44.4 55.00 USD
yes Energiya Hotel 44.7 50.00 USD
yes Hermitage Hotel 44.8 90.00 USD
yes Golf Park Lipowy Most 56.4 198.00 PLN
yes Hotel Pajero 59.0 130.00 PLN
yes Centrum Knieja 61.0 240.00 PLN
yes Hotel Santana 61.7 144.00 PLN
yes Hotel Podlasie 62.9 144.00 PLN
yes Hotel Go biewski 63.2 237.60 PLN
yes Sosnowe Zacisze 63.3 90.00 PLN
yes Willa Pastel 63.4 180.00 PLN
no Hotel Esperanto 63.5 165.00 PLN
Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.

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