Sunday 8 September 2024
UTC:   Local:
Sunday 8 September 2024     UTC:   Local:

Hotels, Motels, and Resorts near SA48 Airport

Pet Friendly Rating Miles from SA48 Airport Price
yes Apart Hotel Garay 1.8 120.00 USD
no Colon Hotel de Campo Resort & Spa 49.9 77.34 USD
no Complejo DEJAVU 50.2 35.00 USD
yes Holiday Inn Santa Fe, Argentina 52.7 102.62 ARS
yes Hostal Santa Fe De La Veracruz 53.1 93.00 USD
no Hotel Constituyentes 53.3 60.00 USD
no Hotel Bertaina 53.3 66.00 USD
no Hotel Corrientes 53.3 59.30 USD
yes Casona Ibera 55.4 85.00 USD
no Hotel Costa Inn 58.0 75.35 USD
no Maran Suites & Towers 64.4 137.00 USD
yes Howard Johnson Plaza Resort & Casino Mayorazgo 64.7 119.00 USD
no Gran Hotel Parana 65.2 79.00 USD
yes Las Ma 65.2 75.00 USD
yes Parana Hostel 65.2 16.00 USD
no Hotel Provincial 65.3 39.00 USD
no Parana Hotel Plaza Jard 65.3 83.00 USD
yes Parana Art Hostel 65.3 45.00 USD
no Departamentos del Parque 65.3 75.00 USD
no Las Magnolias Hostel 65.5 14.00 USD
no Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel Mayorazgo 66.0 0.00 USD
no Paso Del Tigre 77.5 140.00 USD
no Caba 79.5 100.00 USD
Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.

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