Tuesday 23 July 2024
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Tuesday 23 July 2024     UTC:   Local:

Hotels, Motels, and Resorts near ENS Airport

Pet Friendly Rating Miles from ENS Airport Price
yes Landgoed het Oosterveld - Boswachterswoning 1.1 0.00 EUR
yes Hotel Frans op den Bult 1.3 57.50 EUR
no Conferentiehotel Drienerburght 2.1 57.00 EUR
yes Lonneker Staete Appartementen 2.1 200.00 EUR
yes Hampshire Hotel 2.5 59.50 EUR
no Holiday Home Erve Het Klaashuis 2.6 0.00 EUR
no Erve Hulsbeek Koetshuis 2.7 50.00 EUR
no Erve Hulsbeek 2.7 80.00 EUR
no Mamas Bed & Breakfast 3.1 82.00 EUR
yes Kotman`s spieker 6 persoons 3.2 0.00 EUR
yes Holiday home Kotman`s Spieker 12 Persoons 3.2 0.00 EUR
no Hampshire City Hotel - Hengelo 3.4 59.50 EUR
yes Hotel Amadeus 3.4 90.00 EUR
yes Hotel Restaurant Rodenbach 3.4 90.00 EUR
no Tuindorphotel `t Lansink 3.6 90.00 EUR
no Hotel de Kroon 3.6 49.50 EUR
no Hotel Ter Stege 3.8 62.50 EUR
yes Mansion `t Borghuis Bungalow 3.9 0.00 EUR
no Op `t Oorbeck 3.9 80.00 EUR
yes Holiday home `t Borghuis - familieboerderij 4.0 0.00 EUR
yes Van der Valk Hotel Hengelo 4.4 70.00 EUR
yes Hotel Het Landhuis 4.4 47.50 EUR
yes Landgoed de Wilmersberg 4.5 105.00 EUR
yes Villa & Spa `t Holscher 5.2 0.00 EUR
no Hotel `t Kruisselt 5.3 99.50 EUR
Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.

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