Friday 5 July 2024
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Friday 5 July 2024     UTC:   Local:

Hotels, Motels, and Resorts near CUC Airport

Pet Friendly Rating Miles from CUC Airport Price
no Hotel Arizona Suites 2.6 170000.00 COP
yes Hotel Luxor 2.9 115800.00 COP
yes Lord Hotel C 2.9 70909.00 COP
no Hotel Tonchal 2.9 207000.00 COP
yes Hotel Casino Internacional 3.0 308980.00 COP
no Hotel CasaBlanca 3.1 140000.00 COP
yes Hotel Villa Real de Cucuta 3.2 64900.00 COP
no Hotel Bol 3.4 215390.00 COP
yes Hotel El Portal, Para 60.9 131818.00 COP
yes Hotel Asturias 68.5 99700.00 COP
yes Antigua Belen, Bed & Breakfast 68.8 99000.00 COP
no La Serran 68.9 150000.00 COP
no Hotel Buena Vista 69.1 149380.00 COP
no Hotel Prado 34 West 69.1 93500.00 COP
no Hotel Casa Grande Bucaramanga 69.1 125000.00 COP
no Hotel San Lorenzo 69.4 95000.00 COP
no Cabecera Country Hotel 69.4 139364.00 COP
no Hotel Dann Carlton Bucaramanga 69.5 230750.00 COP
no Studio 46 Apartamentos Amoblados 69.6 90000.00 COP
no Hotel Quinta de Cabecera 69.6 81000.00 COP
no Hotel Guane 69.6 138222.00 COP
no Kasa Guane Hostel 69.6 20000.00 COP
no Hotel Ciudad Bonita 69.6 192000.00 COP
no Hotel San Luis Plaza 69.7 77000.00 COP
no Hotel Internacional La Triada 69.7 215000.00 COP
Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.

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