Monday 8 July 2024
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Monday 8 July 2024     UTC:   Local:

Hotels, Motels, and Resorts near AG3019 Airport

Pet Friendly Rating Miles from AG3019 Airport Price
no Yar Hotel 3.9 5200.00 RUB
yes Korona Hotel 4.0 2900.00 RUB
no SamaRa 4.1 3200.00 RUB
no Ost West City 4.1 3000.00 RUB
yes JK Hostel 4.1 800.00 RUB
yes Hotel Europe 4.2 5900.00 RUB
yes Ekvator Hotel 4.3 3500.00 RUB
no Holiday Inn Samara 4.4 6550.00 RUB
yes Tri Vyaza Hotel 4.4 4000.00 RUB
yes Hotel Aurora 4.4 1300.00 RUB
no Bristol Zhiguly Hotel 4.5 3500.00 RUB
no Graf Orlov Hotel 4.5 3900.00 RUB
no Rossia Hotel 4.5 3610.00 RUB
yes Maks Haus 4.5 2700.00 RUB
no Hotel Samara Lux 4.6 3000.00 RUB
yes Azimut Hotel Samara 4.7 1700.00 RUB
yes Volna Hotel 4.7 855.00 RUB
yes Domik v Samare Hotel 4.8 2200.00 RUB
no Hotel Egyptianka 4.8 2000.00 RUB
no Hotel Kolos 4.8 4000.00 RUB
yes Gostiniy Dvor on Troitskaya 4.9 2500.00 RUB
yes Hotel Tonika 4.9 2750.00 RUB
no Hotel Iceberg 4.9 3164.00 RUB
no Ost West Park Hotel 5.0 3000.00 RUB
no Flagman 5.0 2500.00 RUB
Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.

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