Sunday 7 July 2024
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Sunday 7 July 2024     UTC:   Local:

Hotels, Motels, and Resorts near AG19054 Heliport

Pet Friendly Rating Miles from AG19054 Heliport Price
no Takatsuki Kyoto Hotel 0.7 6800.00 JPY
no Hotel Hankyu Expo Park 6.1 5000.00 JPY
no New Commander Hotel 6.5 6210.00 JPY
no Kishibe Station Hotel 6.9 5700.00 JPY
no Senri Hankyu Hotel 7.6 5000.00 JPY
no Hotel Agora Osaka Moriguchi (Formerly Moriguchi Royal Pines Hotel 8.7 12500.00 JPY
no Chisun Inn Esaka 9.3 3780.00 JPY
no Dai-ni Sunny Stone Hotel 9.5 4500.00 JPY
no Dai-ichi Sunny Stone Hotel 9.6 4800.00 JPY
no Shin Osaka Esaka Tokyu Inn 9.6 6500.00 JPY
no Super Hotel Midosujisen Esaka 9.6 3980.00 JPY
yes Hotel Livemax Esaka 9.7 9000.00 JPY
yes Fushimi Nagaya Townhouse 9.7 16800.00 JPY
no Pulses Inn Kyoto 9.7 9450.00 JPY
yes Hotel Grand Fine Kyoto Minami 10.0 6200.00 JPY
no Fushioukaku 10.0 13000.00 JPY
yes Hotel Fine Garden Kyoto Minami 10.1 5800.00 JPY
no Hotel Wing International Shin-Osaka 10.2 3300.00 JPY
no Toyoko Inn Shin-Osaka-eki Higashi-guchi 10.3 5980.00 JPY
no Weekly Mansion Fushimi Ivy 10.4 5415.00 JPY
no Osaka Corona Hotel 10.4 5500.00 JPY
yes Step Inn Shin-Osaka Higashiguchi 10.4 5800.00 JPY
no Oyama Guesthouse Kyoto 10.5 7000.00 JPY
no Hotel Shin Osaka 10.6 6228.00 JPY
no Super Hotel JR Shin-Osaka Higashiguchi 10.6 5980.00 JPY
Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.

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