Thursday 5 September 2024
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Thursday 5 September 2024     UTC:   Local:

Hotels, Motels, and Resorts near AG18194 Heliport

Pet Friendly Rating Miles from AG18194 Heliport Price
no Midosuji Hotel 0.1 8500.00 JPY
no Hostel Base Point Osaka 0.1 2400.00 JPY
no Namba Oriental Hotel 0.1 12000.00 JPY
no Hyatt Regency Osaka 0.1 186.00 JPY
no Swissotel Nankai Osaka 0.1 13175.00 JPY
no First Cabin Midosuji Namba 0.1 3800.00 JPY
yes Hotel Le Botejour Nanba 0.2 7300.00 JPY
no Hotel Ichiei 0.2 12000.00 JPY
yes Hotel Le Botejour Nanba Annex 0.2 5300.00 JPY
no Floral Inn Namba 0.2 5500.00 JPY
no Hotel IL Cuore Namba 0.2 6500.00 JPY
yes Business Hotel Nissei 0.2 5000.00 JPY
yes Hotel Misono 0.2 5500.00 JPY
no Fraser Residence Nankai Osaka 0.2 13000.00 JPY
no Super Hotel Namba Nipponbashi 0.2 4260.00 JPY
yes Business Inn Namba 0.2 5000.00 JPY
no Grampus Inn Osaka 0.2 5775.00 JPY
no Dotonbori Hotel 0.3 6818.25 JPY
no Cross Hotel Osaka 0.3 12000.00 JPY
no Hotel Vista Grande Osaka 0.3 9000.00 JPY
no APA Hotel Namba-Shinsaibashi 0.3 7425.00 JPY
no Hotel Kikuei 0.3 3680.00 JPY
no Kaneyoshi Ryokan 0.3 12600.00 JPY
yes Hotel Metro The 21 0.3 7500.00 JPY
no Hotel Monterey Grasmere Osaka 0.3 19600.00 JPY
Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.

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