Sunday 7 July 2024
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Sunday 7 July 2024     UTC:   Local:

Hotels, Motels, and Resorts near AG14780 Heliport

Pet Friendly Rating Miles from AG14780 Heliport Price
yes Ohamaso 0.4 12000.00 JPY
yes Taketomijima Guesthouse and je Taime 0.6 2000.00 JPY
no Minshuku Kohamasou 0.6 7000.00 JPY
no Beach Hotel Sunshine 2.5 14800.00 JPY
no Ishigaki Resort Grandvrio Hotel 2.5 31500.00 JPY
no Coco Terrace 2.7 8500.00 JPY
no Umi no Nakama 2.9 14700.00 JPY
yes Hotel Royal Marine Palace 3.1 15000.00 JPY
no Toyoko Inn Ishigaki-jima 3.6 4980.00 JPY
yes Pension New Hamanoso 3.6 5000.00 JPY
no Intercontinental Ana Ishigaki Resort 3.7 13650.00 JPY
yes Shimayado Gettoya 3.7 2000.00 JPY
no Hotel Grantia Ishigaki 3.8 12600.00 JPY
yes Hotel Peace Land Ishigaki 3.9 6800.00 JPY
no Hotel Miyahira 4.0 6500.00 JPY
no Ishigakijima Hotel Cucule 4.1 7500.00 JPY
yes Ishigakijima Hotel Olive 4.1 4300.00 JPY
no Super Hotel Abiyanpana Ishigaki 4.1 6000.00 JPY
no Pension Pai Land 4.2 3800.00 JPY
no Churayado Ishigakijima 4.2 1500.00 JPY
no Hotel Bell Harmony Ishigakiisland 4.2 8400.00 JPY
no Hyper Hotel Ishigakijima 4.2 5140.00 JPY
yes Hotel Peace Island Ishigaki in Yashima 4.3 6800.00 JPY
no Hotel Patina Ishigakijima 4.3 6800.00 JPY
yes Churayado Cocochan 4.3 2500.00 JPY
Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.

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