Sunday 7 July 2024
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Sunday 7 July 2024     UTC:   Local:

Hotels, Motels, and Resorts near AG14399 Heliport

Pet Friendly Rating Miles from AG14399 Heliport Price
yes Hotel Yoshida Annex 7.8 5775.00 JPY
yes Hotel Yoshida 7.8 6930.00 JPY
no Minshuku Sawa 12.9 9450.00 JPY
no Hotel Sekumiya 13.1 7550.00 JPY
no Minshuku Isobe 15.3 9000.00 JPY
no Itaya 15.3 5250.00 JPY
no Miyazu Royal Hotel 16.0 14000.00 JPY
no Ryokan Tsurunoya 17.1 7350.00 JPY
no Seikiro 17.9 6000.00 JPY
yes Minshuku Kataoka 18.0 4000.00 JPY
no Amanohashidate Youth Hostel 18.0 2950.00 JPY
yes Shinpuro 18.1 25500.00 JPY
no Amano Hashidate-So 18.4 5000.00 JPY
yes Monjusou 18.5 25200.00 JPY
no Chitose 18.5 35000.00 JPY
yes Taikyourou 18.5 19950.00 JPY
no Genmyoan 18.5 54600.00 JPY
yes Monjusou Shourotei 18.5 39900.00 JPY
no Ryori Ryokan Toriki 18.6 18900.00 JPY
no Maruyasu 18.6 17430.00 JPY
no Hotel Kitanoya 19.0 18900.00 JPY
yes Minshuku Takenaka 19.2 22000.00 JPY
no Amano-hashidate Yusai 19.4 54600.00 JPY
no Yamaya 19.8 11460.00 JPY
no Suigekka 20.3 15750.00 JPY
Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.

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