Flight Departures - Hartness State (Springfield) Airport

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Hotels Near VSF Airport

Airport Guide users have stayed at the following....

Hotel Name Type Rating Miles from VSF Price from Currency
The Hartness House
Housed in a restored 1904 Victorian mansion that was once home to James Hartness the Governor of Vermont this inn is located in Springfield Vermont. Guests can stay in one of the eleven guest rooms in the mansion or in one of the 29 rooms located in the additions to the main house. TV is available in each room at the The Hartness House Inn. All the rooms include an private bathroom. A short walk to Downtown guests can view the Comtu Falls along the Black River. The Commons Park with a playground for children is a 2 minute walk from the Inn.
Inns 7.8
(93 reviews)
3.6 0.00 USD
The Hartness House
Inns 0
(0 reviews)
3.5 0.00 USD

* Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.