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Hotels Near 5AK3 Airport

Airport Guide users have stayed at the following....

Hotel Name Type Rating Miles from 5AK3 Price from Currency
Hotel North Pole
This Alaska property features accommodations with flat-screen TVs and free Wi-Fi. The property is within a 5-minute drive of Santa Claus House. Satellite TV and work desks are standard in rooms at the Hotel North Pole. Suites include a fully equipped kitchenette. Hotel North Pole offers optional nightly wake-up calls for Aurora light viewing. Guests can use the business center or the laundry facilities. The hotel offers guests a daily breakfast. Various activities can be enjoyed in the area including ice fishing snowmobiling dog sled rides and arctic circle tours. Activities can be accommodated by the hotel. Christmas in Ice a 6-week winter ice park is within 15 minutes' walk of Hotel North Pole while the North Pole Shopping Plaza is within 5 minutes' walk. The Fairbanks International Airport Fort Wainwright and the Ladd Army Base are within a 20-minute drive of property.
Hotel 8.3
(165 reviews)
1.2 0.00 USD
Hotel North Pole
Hotel 0
(0 reviews)
1.2 0.00 USD

* Distances are approximate, and may vary depending on the location of start and actual route traveled from the airport.