Welcome to the largest airport database in the world!

This 30+ year-old, premier airport database contains hundreds of data fields for each of the 60,000+ landing facilities in the world. You can read the full AirportGuide history to see how we got here.

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  • Basic Search

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    The Airport Basic Search allows searching by airport ID, name, city, state, and country from one field. For a more involved search try the Advanced Search or Radius Airport Search below.

  • Advanced Search

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  • Radius Search

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These are just some of the questions that can be answered with the Airport Search.

"Which seaplane bases in Alaska have Chevron 100LL fuel?"

"I want to take a cross country so show me airports between 100 and 150 miles with runways over 3000 feet, an ILS, 100LL fuel, and elevation between 3500 to 5000 feet."